Freestyle XMW Vs RRP Pole Bracket Swap


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Does anyone know if you can swap from a ski that has been drilled for a RRP bracket to go to a XMW bracket. I'm pretty sure the RRP has larger breather tubes but just wanted to check. Would the bracket area be strong enough if the voids were filled with Aerosil-Cabosil Filler & Epoxy. Thoughts?


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
I don't know about the bracket, but if you want strength then you'd have to use glass or carbon to fill in the holes - not filler. That stuff is not structural, it's .....wait for it..... filler.


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
As for the brackets, they likely have the same basic mounting holes on their 4 corners. Everything else may be different, and the RRP has bigger tubes. The XMW bracket would cover up the holes, and the tubes should fit nicely in the bracket without having to do any glass work.
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