Yamaha Boots - opinions?


Belding MI
I have had Slippery Matrix boots the last couple of times I bought new, and
they last for about 3 seasons and then they are toast. The sole comes off.

Are the Yamaha boots any better?


Saw these for $41 on Parker Yamaha and thought about giving them a try
instead of some new Matrix boots (unless they fall apart too).

Opinions appreciated! Thanks.

Here is another site that closer to you maybe less shipping same price.http://www.teamalpine.com/pages/catalogs/detail/27/238/439/19509/1/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/07-yamaha-high-top-booty.aspx


Team Not-As-Ugly-Anymore
Newark, Ohio
when shoes brake use 5200 on them. its been working great for me.

Thanks for the opinions. I might give this a shot before I buy another pair,
because really, there is nothing wrong with my current pair other than
the sole is coming off. Well, they are dirty and ugly too, but that doesn't
bother me. :biggrin:

I had thought about using the same contact cement I used on my
Hydroturf, too. (It was a 3M oil-based contact cement available at Lowes.
Might even be the same stuff?) but wasn't sure how well it would work.
I don't know who makes the Yamaha shoes but they seem really good. I love mine.

I would fix yours though.

I use shoe goo or 5200 to suck the life out of riding shoes.

I don't like wrestling shoes cuz they don't protect my toes enough and my toes are f'ed.
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