Other Hand warmers Not Hot Enough


NE Tenn
l hooked up one of my water lines yesterday to help with keepin my hands warm.it does work,but the water is not warm enough.Water temp on sunday was 57 degrees.So l might need to split it off another exit line.

Some pics of the set up.Suggestions?Rok hull redo Jan 2011 094.jpg Rok hull redo Jan 2011 093.jpg
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Grand Rapids, MI
You should run your handwarmer line exclusively up the pole. it looks like you're 't'd into a bypass. You can add restrictors if you need to raise the temperature. I used to just disconnect my bypass at the head, then connect the line running up my pole. PLENTY of heat even in 40 degree water.


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at peace
I restrict the cooling outlets on the head depending on water temps.
I run two outlets on the head. For water above 65 degrees, I run no restriction.
55-65 I run 4mm restrictors.
45-55 I run 3mm restrictors
35-45 I run 2mm restrictors.

Also, the handwarmer line goes directly from the head to the pole. No tees or anthing else. Doing this, coupled with the restrictors, always keeps the water temp at the handlebars in just the right range.
What they said....I run both of my head outlets together and then up the pole. I use fuel line from the T out to the bar ends. This usually keeps mine warm enough.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Use the water line that comes off the pipe, it's hotter than the one that comes off the head.

Really? :dunno:
The water coming off my pipe cooling is pretty cold. Of course, it just occurred to me that I run a separate cooling line to the pipe. It's not all that common I guess.
If you were to run the water through the motor first and then through the pipe, it should be warmer.

Something to keep in mind though: if the water coming out of the head is not warm enough to keep your hands warm, the motor is running too cold.


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
I guess the real variable here is that probably a lot of us all run our water differently. I run my water from my head to my pipe and then exit. Its much hotter after it leaves the pipe than the head


Use the water line that comes off the pipe, it's hotter than the one that comes off the head.

x2. Significant temperature difference. Pipe is WAY hotter then the head.

I used to have mine run off the head pipe but my hands were scorching hot. I then switched to head and its "Warm." 227 and Matt Smith like their hands on fire though...


I guess the real variable here is that probably a lot of us all run our water differently. I run my water from my head to my pipe and then exit. Its much hotter after it leaves the pipe than the head

That makes sense. 227 and I have the same cooling setup.


NE Tenn
You can't see it in the pic but the other line goes to the end of the stinger.lf l was to not have it "T"ed off and just had one line,then no water to the coupler on the other end.That would not work.The other line comes out from the head to the top of the headpipe.So maybe l need to restrict the water flow......But where and how much?


NE Tenn
Looks like l really need to restrict the lines.l don't want to change the water line set up.

B3IS l diff have the water flow,just need to turn the thermostat up a tad more.

And thanks Matt for giving those restrictor numbers out!


Grand Rapids, MI
The other line comes out from the head to the top of the headpipe...

Sounds like you need to take the line out of the bottom of the headpipe and use that for your warmers. I'm assuming that line now goes out the side of the boat?
You could just pull it off of the bypass fitting and connect it to your line up the pole. That water would be toasty warm.


NE Tenn
Sounds like you need to take the line out of the bottom of the headpipe and use that for your warmers. I'm assuming that line now goes out the side of the boat?
You could just pull it off of the bypass fitting and connect it to your line up the pole. That water would be toasty warm.

Thought about using the line out the bottom of the headpipe.Not a lot of flow coming out,but may be worth a try.
I switched from spray tubes to pressurizing the bars and drilling small holes in strategic places in the grips and it seems to be more effective and less trouble. I have a 1/8" pipe thread tapped into bars between bar clamps so it doesn't weaken the bars. It does require solid end caps on grips though.

It's only 57?.....Damn, toughin' up man....that's warm! Must be that FL blood ;)


NE Tenn
I switched from spray tubes to pressurizing the bars and drilling small holes in strategic places in the grips and it seems to be more effective and less trouble. I have a 1/8" pipe thread tapped into bars between bar clamps so it doesn't weaken the bars. It does require solid end caps on grips though.

It's only 57?.....Damn, toughin' up man....that's warm! Must be that FL blood ;)

That is an awesome idea! Bet that works great,coming out from the grips.

Wondered when someone would say that JD! Either you guys up north or northern cali! lol Thanks!


dodgin' bass boats
haha. fl blood.. yeah don grow a set. but seriously I think it was much colder than 57 up towards the river where we were riding. My hands were scorching though! I used the T between the head pipe and stinger. I just plugged the bypass fitting and attached it to the line running to my bars. Oh and I run a 2.3 needle seat as a restrictor at the stinger.
the hot bar setup is an awesome idea! .......I always had trouble with handwarmers as well..they worked, but the water was never in just quite the right spot.....

I have always taken the water straight up the pole off the head...been plenty warm
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