Other vid of new gen. rock crawlers (rock bouncers)


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
ive seen these vids on youtube. I think its great that a 4cyl jeep can crawl up half that stuff no problem. But wailing up it with 1000+ HP is just as fun I guess?

Sort of like riding a 1200cc, 60 pound flatwater boat in the surf. Totally not needed, but fun? Just pin it to win it?
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steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
ive seen these vids on youtube. I think its great that a 4cyl jeep can crawl up half that stuff no problem. But wailing up it with 1000+ HP is just as fun I guess?

Sort of like riding a 1200cc, 60 pound flatwater boat in the surf. Totally not needed, but fun? Just pin it to win it?

You just described all male motorsports.
PEOPLE, those are 49+ inch tires, NO STOCKISH RIG WITH A FRAME IS DOING ANYTHING THIS GUY DOES. END OF STORY. Pretty funny its the jeep owners thinking they could tho, I thought us toyota guys had big eyes, lol

If you ever videos wheeling, you know the camera doesnt do it justice at all, and that stuff looks steep on camera.

He snaps inner cs on rock jock 60s, more than once
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will a rig on 35s do this, no but I'm pretty sure my buddys or me if I still had a crawler could put this guy to shame on anything technical. Most of what he does is simple stuff, but with big horsepower you can make it look as crazy as you want.


If you ever videos wheeling, you know the camera doesnt do it justice at all, and that stuff looks steep on camera
That dude has been wheeling for yrs, man, he didnt just jump into buggies. Respect is due when its due, and this dude has skill

he is known world wide by everyone into wheeling. King of hammers anyone? Guess not since its just a ski site, my bad.
I say it because Ive done this stuff and seen way more than I can remember I got out because I couldn't keep up with the $$$ I can't believe this forum even has Tim Cameron nut swingers. Put that buggy through its paces at the hammers then i will be impressed...

and to be clear I'm not saying he is a talentless hack, just that he makes it look more nuts than it is. I would do the same if I had that much money but out here in the west that :):):):) would not work out to well.
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WTF!!! I was at hammers this year dude, A toyota truck did it. Every forum has haters that cant recognize skill. You do you he helps build his rigs also right?
A toyota truck did what? there are many trails out there I would also say its not the hardest stuff on this side of the coast but its pretty difficult and well known. I do know he does alot of the work on his cars along with Coleworx and EOR the double B pillar is pretty recognizable.
A toyota truck completed the KING OF HAMMERS RACE. Like I said, you obviusoly do not follow rock crawling. And a xj owner cant say much, being his rig doesnt have a frame, nor can the doors open wwhen its flexed. ha jk, justn pokin at the jeep owners

and as far as crawling, or wheeling, yes Tim Cameron IS one of the best drivers in the world. Unless you can find someone with a comparable rig, doing the same trails?

hella haters here. Hating on flips, hating on dudes gfs, hating on new skis, hating on no shorts over wetsuits, why cant anyone ever give anyone a thumbs up round here.
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oof, you caught me... just to be clear though I think the XJ guy has the advantage you did say no rig with a frame right ???

A toyota truck completed the KING OF HAMMERS RACE. Like I said, you obviusoly do not follow rock crawling. And a xj owner cant say much, being his rig doesnt have a frame, nor can the doors open wwhen its flexed. ha jk, justn pokin at the jeep owners
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I enjoy watching rock crawling but to me that doesn't show much finesse besides having big balls and big pockets. He is is lucky he didn't run anyone over. I didn't know Rock CRAWLING involved mach 1 speeds. It seems he would be better suited in a monster truck.
You cant crawl up that. It wont happen. Thats the east coast, there is no grip, its all wheel speed. he has 4 wheel steering. Its way steeper than it looks. You, me, and anyone on this site could not even see straight in that rig on those trails. It would be like me thinking im good on my stock sj, and going to wf as a pro. Not even on the same continent. This dude did not just buy a buggy. He came from wheeling. This is what it progresses to. Thats an old video. Its progressing into 1 man moon buggies rear engine.

It boggles my mind that people think that is easy, and that they could do it


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You cant crawl up that. It wont happen. Thats the east coast, there is no grip, its all wheel speed. he has 4 wheel steering. Its way steeper than it looks. You, me, and anyone on this site could not even see straight in that rig on those trails. It would be like me thinking im good on my stock sj, and going to wf as a pro. Not even on the same continent. This dude did not just buy a buggy. He came from wheeling. This is what it progresses to. Thats an old video. Its progressing into 1 man moon buggies rear engine.

It boggles my mind that people think that is easy, and that they could do it

Trust me I wasn't implying that it was easy, you still have to know what your doing with that much power and how to keep that buggy moving uphill. It just seems the sport has split into crawling which is more finesse and then you have the hammer race where more speed is involved. Progression is good for any sport, keeps things interesting.
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