Super Jet Looking for Modification Advice? Heads and Arrestors

Hello there,

Im looking to spend some money this spring and throw some cylinder heads on my 07 superjet. Ive been doing some research and wherever I see to buy cylinder heads there are also domes available to purchase. I dont really understand what they do? Cant find much on the interent about them. Do you need them if you buy the Heads? I was looking at buying some blowsion heads because the price was pretty good. Also wondering if those are good heads to buy? I like getting blowsion stuff casue it seems good quality and the website is easy to use and fairly cheap. Is blowsion a good brand or should i be looking somewhere else

I am also going to get some blowsion tornado flame arrestors. I was looking to buy k&N filters but on the website it looked like they dont make any for the newer superjets. Does anyone have them on there new jets? The k&n carb adapters seem quite expensive.

All in all im looking for some input with cylinder heads, flame arrestors and which are good brands to buy for super jet mods. Thanks for the input!
Really even better than the K&N's? I like the look of after market but if it isnt doing anyhting than thres no point of spending the money. I sent Jet maniac a message waiting to hear from him
Hmm good to hear not to by some arrestors that will save some bucks. Not sure how much im giong to put into it. Gonna by some heads and handlebars this year. I bought a prop 12/17 skat prop last year gonna put it on this spring. I think next year or this summer some time ill by a factory b pipe. After that i dont have to many plans. Its got a work grate also. I threw foot holds on it. Anything else a guy really needs? Im from southern Sask kind of by Swift Current. Ride on the river all the time.
Not sure what kind of bars to get also. What do you guys think. I have some stock ones now but definitly want something better. 0 degree or 4 degree?


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I have always used 0*. They are defiantly better than stock. I would like to try a set of 4* though. I feel like they might be better.

Actually, I think the best would be a riser bar set up. The stock bars have no upward taper to them. I feel that a set of 4* bars with a 4* upward taper would be best, but I guess that adjustability is the whole point of a riser bar. I need to try one sometime. I think it would be just what I need.
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