Whose got an inflatable pool?

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LOL! reminds me of a fund raiser we had a few years back...included the Astro Glide Slide.....basically bowling whilst using drunken humans as the bowling ball. We actually got Astro Glide to sponsor the event and they sent two 50 galon drums of the stuff!

.......I always wondered what happened to the leftover stuff?


give me fuel give me fire
had a pudding wrestling contest once! what a fing mess!
hope the girlfriend doesnt see this, her and tiff were already talking about running around topless all weekend.:cool2:
So on saturday I threw party... Put on baby oil wrestling! It was a huge hit! Ive realy do have the perfect inflatable pool for it.
Would anyone in daytona be willing do jello wrestle? If so, we need to order the jello ahead of time from the site dan posted



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