Custom/Hybrid T1 by TOBY


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
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Heard one of deez was gonna b local soon. Looking forward to hearing/seeing ride. To cold for my wussy azz to ride though.

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RMBC Freeride

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Pueblo, CO
This will be my next new ski. It is legit. Toby really has something to be proud of here. (along with all the guys who helped make it happen @sjetrider @Jawbreaker @keefer )!!! Thanks for sanding your fingerprints off!!!
I envisioned it as my next surf hull, but honestly it feels like a flatwater champ too... A true crossover. Its light, has tight, quick handling, and is super confident and forgiving in the surf.

The two at daytona were set up differently and each was able to do what it was built for. Brian's @sjetrider was the blue 900cc 155mm flatwater setup and as mentioned, Peter flipped it first time out - literally it's maiden voyage, straight out'da trailer!.
Coming off my Circus, it felt longer but equally capable. Seriously... I suck at back flips and wasn't even going to try at Dias on a new setup. But I did throw some flat-spin 360's and I gotta say it popped and spun as easily if not better than my Circus. Ride was stable and predictable to carve around on and recovery was awesome (with no tippiness like I've felt when riding a KDX or DVX at slow speeds).

Toby's, the copper colored one was ~800cc, more set for surf and it was just killer in the mixed up conditions we had in Daytona this year. I was instantly comfortable on it after coming off several years of riding carbon badasses in the surf. I couldnt belive how I could zig-zag carve up and down the face of a small inside wave. it was so fun and quick and stable. Rocker is perfect and gentle, never wanted to bury the nose. Cuong @2ride spent quite a bit of time on it and said he liked it a lot as well.

the flexibility of using any SJ hood and nosepiece really opens up budget options. @Wet Dreams & @Freeride 971 - check this hull out!

Hmmm, anyone want to buy a circus hull? :D


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
Yea, I really like the fact that you can use any SJ hood and nose piece. It helps everyone create a slight variation for uniqueness.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
I own the Blue one. It is an awesome hull and to be clear on the SURF VRS. FLAT, the shape of this hull makes it BOTH. The Blue one has a small gas tank, shorter pole, shorter ride plate and more power that comes on later than the gold one. It was still super stable and incredibly forgiving in surf while performing AMAZING in flatwater as well. The gold one with a full tank of gas was insanely AWESOME in surf. These are freakn lightweight carbon versions and they were AWESOME in surf. They performed exactly as designed for. A great mix between surf and flat. There PERFECT FREERIDE/FEESTYLE hull

I had a KDX all last season and a -8.5 SF Badass the previous season. I liked them both but want something that popped off setup wake better than the SF and that was more stable and hooked up better than the KDX and this thing hit RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE for me. YEARS of DESIGN and execution has made for the best hull I have had for all around EVER..

Toby has hit the nail on the head as far as I am concerned
mine was half #1 and half #2 out of the molds and it weighed in 245 RTR, I helped lay these up so I know there is room to go lighter but haven't seen the need as far as mine goes.
the key to this hull is the bottom design IMO. Long enough to ride every day and chase down boats, play in surf but rockered front and rear enough to make it ride, flip and spin on flatwater. Pole and ride plate length can make this hull transfer from surf to flat in 20 mins. Best of both worlds IMO.
Toby has a bunch to make I know. We will all be helping him as much as we can here in 615 to get caught up so he can get these out to others as soon as possible. THis hull was not hyped on the front side because Toby had people in line waiting locally just based on the IDEA of what this hull should be.
Once we set these in the water in Daytona and people rode them it WAS "I WANT ONE NOW" so he is a little behind right out the gate. Price I am sure be established after the next few come out of molds.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
You can buy them with or without the hood as ANY AFTERMARKET 96> hood and nose piece will work.
All inserts are Yamaha SJ compatible and it accepts 144,148 or 155 Yamaha pumps nicely


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
@TOBY what's the overall length from front bondrail to rear of hull (footprint, not bondline overhang) and also how much was cut off the back compared to SJ?


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Everybody wants to talk length. Its not all in the length too short and its a bobber, too long and its a barge.
hull length.jpg these 2 lines are exactly the same length. Will they ride the same assuming these were hull bottoms?
Cut the upper one shorter in rear and you will flip back before ya leave the water and before you have any height (you will loose hook up to quick)
Cut the lower one shorter and you have a nose up barge that still wont turn and it will not flip without a tsuami


Always wrenchin'
Roanoke, VA
Building a superjet now, could be an easy transition from that to an am hull if almost everything swaps over. Price and availability?

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BDB Kustomz
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Lake Orion, MI
I own the Blue one. It is an awesome hull and to be clear on the SURF VRS. FLAT, the shape of this hull makes it BOTH. The Blue one has a small gas tank, shorter pole, shorter ride plate and more power that comes on later than the gold one. It was still super stable and incredibly forgiving in surf while performing AMAZING in flatwater as well. The gold one with a full tank of gas was insanely AWESOME in surf. These are freakn lightweight carbon versions and they were AWESOME in surf. They performed exactly as designed for. A great mix between surf and flat. There PERFECT FREERIDE/FEESTYLE hull

I had a KDX all last season and a -8.5 SF Badass the previous season. I liked them both but want something that popped off setup wake better than the SF and that was more stable and hooked up better than the KDX and this thing hit RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE for me. YEARS of DESIGN and execution has made for the best hull I have had for all around EVER..

Toby has hit the nail on the head as far as I am concerned
mine was half #1 and half #2 out of the molds and it weighed in 245 RTR, I helped lay these up so I know there is room to go lighter but haven't seen the need as far as mine goes.
the key to this hull is the bottom design IMO. Long enough to ride every day and chase down boats, play in surf but rockered front and rear enough to make it ride, flip and spin on flatwater. Pole and ride plate length can make this hull transfer from surf to flat in 20 mins. Best of both worlds IMO.
Toby has a bunch to make I know. We will all be helping him as much as we can here in 615 to get caught up so he can get these out to others as soon as possible. THis hull was not hyped on the front side because Toby had people in line waiting locally just based on the IDEA of what this hull should be.
Once we set these in the water in Daytona and people rode them it WAS "I WANT ONE NOW" so he is a little behind right out the gate. Price I am sure be established after the next few come out of molds.

Funny you and I share the same thoughts/experiences with hulls. I believe you built you badass the same time as I was building mine (I had the Orange "-10 ish" after Roo ). Sold my freak bc I wanted more flat water freestyle ability and bought a KDX. I found the KDX to feel too "narrow"/squirrelly, but loved the build quality/craftsmanship of xscream hulls. I ended up with the DVX and love it. I like you was after the ride quality of the freak with the freestyle of the KDX

Looks like Toby nailed it on the head with this hull. Looks killer and cool you can customize the look with what hood you go with.

Can't wait to see more of these being built.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Funny you and I share the same thoughts/experiences with hulls. I believe you built you badass the same time as I was building mine (I had the Orange "-10 ish" after Roo ). Sold my freak bc I wanted more flat water freestyle ability and bought a KDX. I found the KDX to feel too "narrow"/squirrelly, but loved the build quality/craftsmanship of xscream hulls. I ended up with the DVX and love it. I like you was after the ride quality of the freak with the freestyle of the KDX

Looks like Toby nailed it on the head with this hull. Looks killer and cool you can customize the look with what hood you go with.

Can't wait to see more of these being built.
yeah, we made the conversion from freak to kdx same time, DVX ix nice for sure. Really the only handling difference is your holds move you closer to center of boat. This gives a more stable feel, bottom of DVX is identical to the KDX. I think you would like this T1 bro, hopefully you will get a chance to try soon.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
yeah, we made the conversion from freak to kdx same time, DVX ix nice for sure. Really the only handling difference is your holds move you closer to center of boat. This gives a more stable feel, bottom of DVX is identical to the KDX. I think you would like this T1 bro, hopefully you will get a chance to try soon.
But many KDX bottoms were there? I can think of 2 different ones.


Rick James Edition
Music City, TN
But how many KDX bottoms were there? I can think of 2 different ones.
The DVX bottom is like the later KDX's produced... They are an Awesome hull no doubt... X-Scream makes nice hulls all the way around.... very nice finish work too, however I don't care to ride one in the surf...
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