Alcohol + Riding

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not gonna happen...

Beach Patrol specificly asked me to make an announcement about drinking and riding... I don't think it will be an issue, but no drinking on the beach or walking around w/ a beer then go riding... If you want to drink a beer, fine. Just make sure you are not buzzed or drunk when on the beach w/ a ski... I personally love to drink while riding, but it's not a great idea w/ this many people... If something did happen, even if it's not your fault, you could be ticketed for drinking while operating a vessle...

The Penguin

triple secret probation
just to alcohol allowed on the beach (even if not riding?) Being buzzed/drunk on the beach is OK so long as you are not riding?

I got that impression from an earlier post you made.


just to alcohol allowed on the beach (even if not riding?) Being buzzed/drunk on the beach is OK so long as you are not riding?

I got that impression from an earlier post you made.

No alcohol on the beach!!!!!! It's illegal.

Hotel property only!!!!

no drunks on the beach... come on man, you know what's up :biggthumpup:'re moving the Injured Reserved VIP seating area to one of the beachside balconies then? LOL! Just teasin' ya Nick.....

Seriously guys - we gotta police ourselves so the the beach cops don't have to. Play nice, and we're always welcome back, right?

Also - shouldn't something be mentioned about this being a non-sanctioned event where anyone and everyone is responsbile for their own actions and completely releases Nick or anyone else at this event of any liability in case of an accident or someone doing something stupid to themselves?

Unfortunatly, I know how some folks cannot or will not take responsability for their own actions, and when things go down, they dive deep into denial and start looking for deep pockets. Don't mean to put a damper on the mood or anything, but people need to acknowledge that no one else is responsible for themselves but themselves - no one's going to hold thier hand if they screw up.

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the LAST think i wish for is someone to get hurt.
At least when im drinking in peace the only thing that can hurt me is my lawn chair.

but it sounds the fuzz doesnt put up with sh___it

I think the main idea is to respect their rules and not test them. I certainly don't want anyone riding drunk with so many people out in the water. The beach patrol guys aren't going to be a bunch of nazis unless we give them a reason to be.
and they have to be that way. due to how many people they run into each day, and other reasons of course.

for the most part, out here we can get away with anything.
but we are normally in smaller groups, and we dont party crazy at certin places, (P-TOWN)


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Cleveland Ohio
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Wrenching > Riding
Kennesaw, GA
man, im not even bringing a ski, i was just planning on bringing a cooler out to the beach and watchign the fun... ohh well, pre-gaming in the hotel first it is!
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