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- Cleveland Ohio
Killer! What do the different color lines mean?
Killer! What do the different color lines mean?
Ok what does swell direction mean ? :frown:
My girlfriend makes me swell.
Ok what does swell direction mean ? :frown:
and you call us geeks!
i got your perpenDICular right HERE!
just tell us if there's gonna be surf or not, and if so, how big.
it's ok to be geeky about some things... :biggthumpup:
we will have chest-head high south east swell w/ 10mph winds and a 9 second period on the ground swell. there will be surface chop, but we are all use to that.
thats perfect...much bigger than that makes launching difficult at the beach break..
he he he.... shhhhhhhhh :biggthumpup:
yup.poor bastards....dude, i cant friggen wait!
don't look at it now... all sideshore slop
looks like a great day in the gulf. :frown:don't look at it now... all sideshore slop
don't look at it now... all sideshore slop
Ya thats some pretty nasty stuff right now, I would feel right at home in that mess.:smile:
I will say this, in the 15 or 16 years I've been coming to Daytona there has always been some kind of waves to play in.
If we get the 8'+ forcasted for the weekend it will be insane. I can only remember getting waves that big once down there and I was riding with you out of the inlet.
I haven't been on a ski in nearly a month.......might be fun to jump right back into it.