Nose cones

I have heard several people say you don't need the rubber or aluminum nose cone. Skat trak Impeller nose cones are not cheap and aluminum. Skat trak are hexagon as well. Solas is a round rubber nose cone. How important are they and what might be loss from not having one?


Gorilla Smasher
Lebanon Pa
For how cheap a the rubber nose pieces are you’re better off just running it, they were put there for a reason IMO. Although most people say they didn’t feel the difference without one.
I’ll tell you where you can feel the difference, your wallet. the nose cone helps keep sand and junk out of the threads. Cutting a prop off a drive shaft, does not make for a cheap project
I have not seen the aluminum nose seals stand the test of time. They always seem to find a way to rattle off and bang around the shaft creating a mess. I stick with the rubber and glue them on with contact cement. I can’t see how running without one would be a good idea.

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My buddy who said don't need it is a smart mechanic but a little sun fried. Lol I thought it mite not need 1 because my ski never touch's shore but wanted to see what everyone thought. I have solas rubber nose cones but I got a skat trak I want to try. But the skat trak is a hexagon nor round . Thinking of cutting lip off cone and glue it it .


This Is The Way
Staff member
Rubber all the way, I have had issues with the aluminum ones coming loose as well. Truth is, the OEM impeller does not have a seal, I'm not 100% convinced they are necessary and have run both Solas and Skat impellers without them and didn't notice a difference.
I've bought a Skat impeller in the past that just came with a thick o-ring. I guess cone or o-ring, as long as there's a sealing surface that's all that matters. Never had a rubber cone come loose though.
The main benefit for yamahas is sealing water out of the threads, Kawasakis are much more crutial because of splines.. I glue the rubber cones in with silicone. This kind of atention to detail pays off over time. Your grandkids may want to change the prop thirty years from now.
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