If you're looking for cheap power my suggestion would be bump your bore up to 85mm, get an ADA head with 38cc domes, get a zeeltronic and run "Wax curve" with the stock 64x electronics with the zeel, stock intake/reeds/44mm carbs from the 760, buy a porting template from yamanube and use it, get a B-pipe or a lay down pipe depending on what is best for your application. Lay down will make more power, B pipe is easier. If you have the mechanical aptitude to go that route, I don't think you can beat the power for the money. By the time you're done with all the little stuff you'll have about $1,000-1500 into parts and machining not including the pipe or the original purchase of the motor, maybe a touch more. The big ticket items are the pistons and boring of the cylinder, the zeel, and the head. You're probably looking at around another $1000-1500 for a pipe if you go the common B-pipe or laydown pipe route.
For the blowsion sleeves would add close to an additional $1000 to the total.