Blowsion 850 sleeves?

I just got a 64x motor and looking to cheaply (for now) make more power. Anyone have experience with the 89mm blowsion sleeves?

I imagine once the old sleeves are removed then it would need to be internally bored for the new sleeves to fit? Or would the new sleeves just fit right in?
Just took the motor apart. Turns out I was shipped a 62t/62t with 64x head. Pistons bored to 84mm and a piston and sleeve are shot. Which means crank is probably shot?
I posted this on a Facebook superjet group. Didn’t want to be redundant but wondering if I might as well do the 89mm sleeves since the case has to be bored anyway to accept bigger sleeves and the cylinder needs sleeves anyways
How are your identifying it as a 62t cylinder? 64x cylinders have 62t cast into them so be careful. A 64x cylinder you have the option to go bigger in bore than 84mm with stock sleeves.

The 89mm big bore sleeves will require boring the casting for larger diameter sleeves, I believe you'll need a spacer to use cr500 pistons (not certain) and you'll need some kind of special head to handle bore size that big.

A 771 or 781 based on stock cylinder is somewhat common, an 850 is much less common, most chose to step up to an aftermarket cylinder with exhaust valves at that point.
How are your identifying it as a 62t cylinder? 64x cylinders have 62t cast into them so be careful. A 64x cylinder you have the option to go bigger in bore than 84mm with stock sleeves.

The 89mm big bore sleeves will require boring the casting for larger diameter sleeves, I believe you'll need a spacer to use cr500 pistons (not certain) and you'll need some kind of special head to handle bore size that big.

A 771 or 781 based on stock cylinder is somewhat common, an 850 is much less common, most chose to step up to an aftermarket cylinder with exhaust valves at that point.

How can I tell the difference the. For a 64x cylinder vs 62t? It had a 64x head on it.



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Gorilla Smasher
Lebanon Pa
How can I tell the difference the. For a 64x cylinder vs 62t? It had a 64x head on it.



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How can I tell the difference the. For a 64x cylinder vs 62t? It had a 64x head on it.



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760 cylinders will have a bigger exhaust bolt thread, I think 701/650 threads are like a m8x1.25 and the 760 are like m10x1.5 or something along those lines. Anyone who wants to run a aftermarket manifold on a 760 cylinder has to helicoil the threads down. Also, just my two cents, a bored out and ported 760 with a b pipe and 62t electronics makes a lot more power than you’d expect. Loved mine. You’re going to have a lot of headache dealing with the odd 850 cylinders and at that point you might as well get power-valve cylinders!! But just my opinion!!
I'm pretty sure but not 100% certain that is a 64x cylinder. All of the 62t's that I've seen have a groove around the bottom of the cylinder sleeve where it sticks out from the case, and also the 62t sleeves are pretty thin at an 84mm bore, those look like they have meat left to bore larger if you want. I think a way to be sure would be to measure the diameter of the sleeve sticking out of the case, but I don't have a 64x cylinder to measure and tell you what it should be.

I bet @MTRHEAD would know.
760 cylinders will have a bigger exhaust bolt thread, I think 701/650 threads are like a m8x1.25 and the 760 are like m10x1.5 or something along those lines. Anyone who wants to run a aftermarket manifold on a 760 cylinder has to helicoil the threads down. Also, just my two cents, a bored out and ported 760 with a b pipe and 62t electronics makes a lot more power than you’d expect. Loved mine. You’re going to have a lot of headache dealing with the odd 850 cylinders and at that point you might as well get power-valve cylinders!! But just my opinion!!

61x 701 cylinders are m8x1.25 on the exhaust manifold bolts, 62t701 and 64x760 cylinders are both m10x1.25. So you can't use the exhaust bolt size to identify a 760 cylinder from a 62t701.

long beach local

long beach local
Harry Klemm of Group K offers a big bore 850 setup calls it a sleep kit and has done them for along time there’s good info on his website too. It’s Not cheap. Good luck I would suggest buying a RTR motor used you see them often here and save yourself some $ good machine work gets expensive. Or bore and port that one.
If you're looking for cheap power my suggestion would be bump your bore up to 85mm, get an ADA head with 38cc domes, get a zeeltronic and run "Wax curve" with the stock 64x electronics with the zeel, stock intake/reeds/44mm carbs from the 760, buy a porting template from yamanube and use it, get a B-pipe or a lay down pipe depending on what is best for your application. Lay down will make more power, B pipe is easier. If you have the mechanical aptitude to go that route, I don't think you can beat the power for the money. By the time you're done with all the little stuff you'll have about $1,000-1500 into parts and machining not including the pipe or the original purchase of the motor, maybe a touch more. The big ticket items are the pistons and boring of the cylinder, the zeel, and the head. You're probably looking at around another $1000-1500 for a pipe if you go the common B-pipe or laydown pipe route.

For the blowsion sleeves would add close to an additional $1000 to the total.
If you're looking for cheap power my suggestion would be bump your bore up to 85mm, get an ADA head with 38cc domes, get a zeeltronic and run "Wax curve" with the stock 64x electronics with the zeel, stock intake/reeds/44mm carbs from the 760, buy a porting template from yamanube and use it, get a B-pipe or a lay down pipe depending on what is best for your application. Lay down will make more power, B pipe is easier. If you have the mechanical aptitude to go that route, I don't think you can beat the power for the money. By the time you're done with all the little stuff you'll have about $1,000-1500 into parts and machining not including the pipe or the original purchase of the motor, maybe a touch more. The big ticket items are the pistons and boring of the cylinder, the zeel, and the head. You're probably looking at around another $1000-1500 for a pipe if you go the common B-pipe or laydown pipe route.

For the blowsion sleeves would add close to an additional $1000 to the total.
thanks for the input. I think I'm going to steer away from the larger sleeves. that would be half the cost of a new aftermarket cylinder.

My SJ currently has a stock 701 with B pipe and ADA head running 91 octane with lightened flywheel.
The new plan is 772 with cylinder and case porting with ADA head running 200 PSI on AVgas. I'll be running the same 62t lightened flywheel and electronics. Blackjack 46mm carbs and a PHP (or R&D) intake manifold.
I'm going to wait a few months to run 760 flywheel and Zeeltronics to give my wallet a little break. Probably run the jetmanics waterbox then, too.

I need to run a stock gas tank. No way to do that with laydown pipe, right?
I'm pretty sure but not 100% certain that is a 64x cylinder. All of the 62t's that I've seen have a groove around the bottom of the cylinder sleeve where it sticks out from the case, and also the 62t sleeves are pretty thin at an 84mm bore, those look like they have meat left to bore larger if you want. I think a way to be sure would be to measure the diameter of the sleeve sticking out of the case, but I don't have a 64x cylinder to measure and tell you what it should be.

I bet @MTRHEAD would know.
760 62t cylinders the exposed surface of sleeves on the bottom are smooth. Those don’t really like to go bigger than 85.5
701 62t cylinders the exposed surface of the sleeve has a groove midway. Those don’t like to go bigger than 84mm


Gorilla Smasher
Lebanon Pa
61x 701 cylinders are m8x1.25 on the exhaust manifold bolts, 62t701 and 64x760 cylinders are both m10x1.25. So you can't use the exhaust bolt size to identify a 760 cylinder from a 62t701.
Hmmm,I didn’t know 62t cylinders were m10x1.25, my bad. Actually, weren’t all superjet 62t m8? Except for wave raider 62t motors???
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