Help finding a good Anodizing Company, preferably on the East Coast

Hey Yaw,

Can anyone recommend a good Anodizing Company, preferably on the East Coast? I just picked up a Velociraptor Trim and I want to get the parts Bright Dip Anodized in blue and orange.


NE Tenn
We have a place locally but they don’t do one or two items.l understand,cause of costs doing small wonder if these guys would do that
We have a place locally but they don’t do one or two items.l understand,cause of costs doing small wonder if these guys would do that

I'm going to reach out to them tomorrow and see if they will do it.

I would think that as long as the type and color of anodizing I want are ones that they already have tanks set up for, that squeezing in smaller jobs like this wouldn't really be all that difficult. Although, I wonder if parts of different sizes/surface areas require different times in a given tank. Then I could see it being more of a pain than it's worth.
OSS guys around me have minimum charges. If you want to plate a single finishing nail, no problem. Its whatever the minimum charge is.

No one around me does bright dip though.
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