Transportation of the Raffle Superjet to the North East

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Looking for transportation of the Superjet to somewhere in the vicinity of Eastern Pennsylvania. Just planning ahead to see who has room, thinking positive. :bananalama:

I was hoping for a larger response and lots for criticism to keep this thread popular. Here is my reasoning for this request.
How many people will donate less due to not having a way to get the ski home?
How many people have friends that use your ski or second ski that would buy tickets for a chance to win the ski?
Now how many people have local riding groups that know nothing about the X who would buy chances if arrangements were available to get the ski close?
I can see the amount of money going to the charities only going up by having transportation available to different areas.



i was also wondering if tickets would be available to people not in attendance, i know i could probably sell alot here to people that i ride with that want to get a superjet.
sounds good to me, I am going to put something up on our local site when tickets are available and i know you are going.
I am just glad it is going to a good cause.



Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
As far as I know, you must be present! I'm going home with it duct taped to the roof of my Honda, so you all might as well forget it.


WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Good idea korn,we will wait till you get in the honda and then just duct tape you in with the superjet,you will have to cut your way out,I am not sure what you are going to do about bathroom breaks though.


New York Crew
Western New York
As far as I know, you must be present! I'm going home with it duct taped to the roof of my Honda, so you all might as well forget it.



Korn, if you win it... I'll bring it back for ya... i'll have plenty of room... and ur not that far out of the way for us Buffalo boys.
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