Raffle question

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salty nuts
coastal GA
Just wondering how the raffle will work. Will we have goodies from various PWC companies raffled also?

Will there be seperate tickets sold for the SFL squarenose and seperate for other goodies/parts?

Reason I ask is the last Riot ride raffle was not explained all that well as to what tickets were for what.


salty nuts
coastal GA
Correct me if I'm wrong....but at the Altoona Ride
The $5 tickets won AWA schwag & Yamaha outboard hats.
The $100 tickets got the SJ and all the cool parts.
I thought the $100 tickets were for the SJ only and the $5 were for everything else.

No biggie, just wondering :scratchchin:


Just plain me....
Correct me if I'm wrong....but at the Altoona Ride
The $5 tickets won AWA schwag & Yamaha outboard hats.
The $100 tickets got the SJ and all the cool parts.
I thought the $100 tickets were for the SJ only and the $5 were for everything else.

No biggie, just wondering :scratchchin:
I think you're wrong. The powers to be can correct me, but I won the XMetal pole & I'm pretty sure I didn't buy a $100 ticket for it.


I'm not sure yet how I wil handle it... I'm thinking the raffle may include everything, but I'm not sure yet.

WHat if I put the SJ in w/ the other stuff??? that would make it very interesting. What I don't want is the 2 raffles competing w/ each other, so that may be the best way to do it.

Not sure yet.

Waterdawg will be seperate for sure.

who wants the 2 raffles combined??? I like the idea...
I'm not sure yet how I wil handle it... I'm thinking the raffle may include everything, but I'm not sure yet.

WHat if I put the SJ in w/ the other stuff??? that would make it very interesting. What I don't want is the 2 raffles competing w/ each other, so that may be the best way to do it.

Not sure yet.

Waterdawg will be seperate for sure.

who wants the 2 raffles combined??? I like the idea...

now we're taking votes? seriously, with all due respect... SBT should handle the raffle for the square, like we had planned.

besides, if you combine the raffles, how would we know who gets what?

SBT should do it. they will have 1 single roll of tickets that are in chronological order and there will be WAY less confusion.... not to mention less "competition" if theyre not right next to eachother. if there are 2 raffles in the same place, people will tend to choose one or the other. if theyre seperated, people would probably buy some tickets over here..... then wander over there and say, "hey, another raffle... lets get more tickets". im not worried about the other raffle overshadowing the square raffle. i think itll do just fine on its own. are you worried about the other raffle overshadowing the square raffle?

also, i dont want to see this ski, that ive busted my ass trying to get done (and im still not done assembling), getting lost in the confusion. we've had, and posted, a plan for about a month now. lets not change it. THAT is what adds confusion.
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nah... I think I just want it in w/ everything else... I really don't want more than two raffles going on. Just put it in the raffle w/ the other stuff and figure out what percentage goes where... much easier and less trouble...

Don't worry Charlie, you will get full credit for your hard work... Nothing will be lost anywhere...


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I think you'll get more money by spilling up the square. I'll probably buy a few tix for each $5 raffle. if there is one I probably won't buy as many.

if there split you'll also be sure to give the ski to someone who really could use it (like my son).
nah... I think I just want it in w/ everything else... I really don't want more than two raffles going on. Just put it in the raffle w/ the other stuff and figure out what percentage goes where... much easier and less trouble...

Don't worry Charlie, you will get full credit for your hard work... Nothing will be lost anywhere...

again, im not looking for credit.

i want SBT to handle the raffle. i dont want it being anywhere near WDKs raffle. that will tun people off. just the idea of it turns me off. its definitely not going to get put in the raffle with the other stuff.... do that with WDK's hull.

the ski gets displayed at the SBT tent, where the tickets are sold and the drawing takes place with the rest.

why do you insist on them being together? how do you figure it will "confuse people"? please explain.
also, how do you figure out percentages if theyre all mixed into one raffle?

i dont like it. i put WAY too much of my own time, parts and effort for it to be 'just put in with everything else'.

id rather sell it outright than to do that.

....not trying to be difficult, but this isnt just a rideplate or a set of footholds or an impeller.


Convince me otherwise... I'm not a difficult person to deal with.

Just don't start a poll... he he he.



So long and thanks for all the fish
what do you base your descision on???

It's a ski, a complete ski, not even just a hull, but something someone could win, take home, and go ride the next day.

Allatoona, new ski, separate raffle.
Daytona 2007, hull/hood, separate raffle.

Are you afraid it's going to hurt the Waterdawg raffle? If Jeff stipulated his hull had to be a separate raffle, fine, Charlie is stipulating the ski needs to be a separate raffle and that should be honored.


just to clearify... The raffles will be very simple and easy to understand, as they have been in the past.

I have never had a complaint from anyone about how they were run. You guys will have to trust that I know what I am doing and what I am doing is in the best interest of the sponsors and charity recipients...

I am open to suggestions, but not peer pressure.


It's a ski, a complete ski, not even just a hull, but something someone could win, take home, and go ride the next day.

Allatoona, new ski, separate raffle.
Daytona 2007, hull/hood, separate raffle.

Are you afraid it's going to hurt the Waterdawg raffle? If Jeff stipulated his hull had to be a separate raffle, fine, Charlie is stipulating the ski needs to be a separate raffle and that should be honored.

the situation is a bit different, but I understand your point... I'm not concerned w/ WD (why does everything end up there?) His hull will do just fine.

If you remember correctly this ski was suppose to be sold or auctioned off, I had agreed to that. I never agreed to enter the ski in as a raffle ski. That was changed later on. I just feel that 3 raffles is too much and I am not about to not be up to par w/ my charities. I really don't even know who the charities for the superjet are at this point. If they were the same as the ride then fine, but this is just getting spread too thin.

This is a freeride for the Jr. Lifeguards, I added AWA, because they are a no brainer and Joe Kenney because he really needs it, but it was never intended to be like this. I just think there is too many charities and different raffles if we do it that way... way too confusing and not the direction I want to go w/ the ride.


Mesquite, Texas
what do you base your descision on???

my opinion, just like you.

if it was going to be sold or auctioned off. they why can't it have it own seperate raffle. i might try and see if some one would be willing to purchase raffle tickets for me for the square (also, if they had room to bring it back if i won). if i can then i will send some money for raffle tickets for the square. if my chances where not for the square, but for any thing. i won't even worry about sending money. i am interested in the square as a ski for my kid. a ride plate won't do me any good, and spending 20 to 50 on tickets is a cheap ski that is very pimp.

again this is my opinion. sorry if you don't agree.
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my opinion, just like you.

sorry, I wasn't trying to be a jerk. I was just asking how you came to that conclusion

I base mine upon 3 years of experience, not opinion. Opinions are not what I'm looking for.
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