How to Post Videos.


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Cleveland Ohio
What is the easiest way to post a higher quality video. It is in AVI form and is about 7 minutes long. (I did a search, but didn't find anything):sad6:


So long and thanks for all the fish
Re-render in .wmv in Windows Movie Maker and tell it to fit it in 100mb or so, it'll come out very high quality but a reasonable size.

BTW, you can send the video to me and I'll stick it on my site for hosting if you want with the others. works for bit files, plus I have an upload tool on here at


Lexington, KY
Definitely use Windows Movie maker to save it as a .wmv file. You won't lose any quality. Here's a cut and paste from an email I sent my dad earlier this week. His digital camera saves clips as .avi too.

open windows movie maker
import into collections
browse for file
click and drag clip into timeline at the bottom
save movie file
choose my computer
tell it where to save it
choose size or quality you want
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Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
djkorn1 sent me a PM about this. By my calculations on the file size and run time it's probably a mini-DV camcorder format AVI file. We are working on him sending the file to me.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
It is edited footage made as an AVI from Pinnacle Studios. It only has 2 settings (AVI or Mpeg). Mpeg looks like crap.

I don't have Windows movie maker.

I will probably send it to rasper, but it says it will take 6 hours. :dunno:

It is an actual first edit from JT-IV: Eastside Freeride of the Southern Fried Freeride. I just want to get some opinions from people.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Get tpmgenc. Re-encode the file with the standard settings.

That's my quick solution to getting the file size down.

Also, ffmpeg is another free encoder, but doesn't seem to work well in windows. Seems to work OK in linux.
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So long and thanks for all the fish
It is edited footage made as an AVI from Pinnacle Studios. It only has 2 settings (AVI or Mpeg). Mpeg looks like crap.

I don't have Windows movie maker.

I will probably send it to rasper, but it says it will take 6 hours. :dunno:

It is an actual first edit from JT-IV: Eastside Freeride of the Southern Fried Freeride. I just want to get some opinions from people.

Windows XP/Vista has it built in.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
I have a ghetto (hacked) version of XP. I found some more settings in pinnacle and am re-rendering it at 98mb so I can youtube it. Hopefully this works!

Thanks for all the help...I might need more!


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Even hacked version of XP come with movie maker, or atleast can be added through add/remove programs, window's components. Then access it in start, all programs, accessories.

If you can in Pinnacle, encode with divX. That'll save space.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
It'd be 1 of the codecs you could select to encode with...

I don't know pinnacle. Let me DL the latest version so I know what you're looking at. Give me a couple of days to do that...


High on jetskis.
Re-render in .wmv in Windows Movie Maker and tell it to fit it in 100mb or so, it'll come out very high quality but a reasonable size.

BTW, you can send the video to me and I'll stick it on my site for hosting if you want with the others. works for bit files, plus I have an upload tool on here at
i uploaded a video to the "incoming" folder if you want to keep it please send me a link. thanks


Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
Now that I'm back from getting my car fixed...

I am responding to your PM here so I can attach a JPG with some settings. I got the 90 meg MPG you uploaded. Nice work shooting the video! Now we need to give it the care it deserves.

I converted the MPG to FLV (Flash Video) format. I uploaded that here:
Click here for that video
FLV is what YouTube and most other video web sites use. It's all about how it's processed.

We can do better than that video so let's get going on that.

Your PM mentioned uploading the 1.5gig AVI. Here is what I would like you to do instead.

1. Download RIVA FLV Encoder:
Riva FLV Encoder

2. Use RIVA FLV Encoder to encode an .FLV file using the settings in the attached JPG and your 1.5 gig AVI as the input.

3. Hit the preview button and see if you like it. The bitrate of 2000 should be fine. If you want higher quality increase it to 3000 and change the output file name. You can see a difference if you look real hard but it's not worth the increased time it takes for people to watch it over cheaper DSL.

4. Upload the FLV file you are happy with to my server and send me a PM that you did.

I will put that bad boy online and it should rock big and bad!


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