Flush Stations? Places to flush ski?

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Miami Fl
Theres a couple of spigots around on the rear deck were the skis stay that you cane use. I will probably just hose down the ski and engine everyday but not flush till the end. Just blow out the ski at the end of the day. Of course its better to flush the ski but it wont hurt it for a couple of days.


Анархия - мать порядка!
You DON'T have to flush your ski after every ride. A few days won't hurt anything.
Salt is not that evil as some like to picture it.


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Cleveland Ohio
I just spray mine down with wd everyday and let the sprinklers hit it with the hood off.

I back-flushed it before I went home. :smokin:

Fro Diesel

creative control
Spray your whole motor with Boeshield T-9 before the ride and when you hose it off before you go home all the evil salt will be gone.

Where does one get this or similar product?

I was just going to put it in lake michigan when i got home.

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there are about 3-4 flushing areas, but please don't get all crazy and flush everyday unless you really need to. It is a huge waste of water and is quite noisy and time consuming when 300 people are trying to do it....

he he he... salt won't do anything in a couple days...


Carajo,gringos apestosos
he he he... salt won't do anything in a couple days...

Yeah, i dont flush when i'm riding 2 days in a row. You can pour like 6oz of salt-away down the flush opening if you really want to protect that billet head.

If your ski sits the whole day after riding,then flush. If your riding the next day, your cool. Salt is all i ever ride in.
just take the skis to the room and flush it there!!!lol i bet it will fit on the tub!!!!! hahaha i careless of flushing i need to keep my beer cold!!!!:friday:
gonna take your advise and just flush only if its gonna set a whole day, which probably wont happen till we leave to go home :) . Rhode in our lake yesterday. 44 Degree water and almost 50 outside temp. Did alot to the skis in the last few weeks and wanted to make sure they were running flawless.
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