Raffle question

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Mesquite, Texas
then i guess it is your way since i have never done it. granted i work for a large company and when we have large xmas parties and several expensive gifts they have seperate raffle boxes that you can choose to put your tickets in what every you want.

so there is another option. sell tickets for all the items, have a box in front of each item and let the person that bought the ticket decide what they want their ticket to be for. label each 5 dollar raffle box with the appropriate item. Ride plate, superjet, etc....

how is that for an opinion that has worked for a large company for years.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Why not just have SBT sell the tickets for the ski at their tent and let them handle the raffle for the ski...... You do not have to be involved at all, it actually takes a load off of you. combining it is not the answer, it is the easy way out.


Mesquite, Texas
you could if you do what i said above and let the purchaser decide what box they want their raffle ticket in. then there is only one raffle and no one has to worry about if they buy a ticket and win a ride plate then they have no chance at the ski. all the money is in one place for the charity. also, i bet you might sell more tickets if the people get to choose the prize they want to try and win.

you could also just have two boxes for raffle tickets. one for the square and one for every thing else. one set of raffle tickets, so no one gets confused as to what raffle ticket goes with what raffle. let sbt call the raffle for the square and nick, or who ever, to call the raffle for all other items. then it is the best of both worlds, one raffle ticket and two raffles. then the money for all the charity raffle items can be split as needeb by Yamaslut. he has done great on these raffles and this would keep every one happy and less confused.
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Ride for life
North NJ
Here's my 2 cents
The Square should be a seperate raffle. Let SBT handle it since Steph is conducting a poll for where the 1/3 will go.
Also for the General raffle- if there's going to be a ton of stuff maybe pre-draw all the smaller items and only raffle say the 20 large items live to cut down on time.
WHat if I put the SJ in w/ the other stuff??? that would make it very interesting.

Although this seems to be the unpopular idea, I like it. I think it keeps things simple and adds more excitment to the raffle. If we're concerned with SBT not operating the raffle, why not have them come up when it's time to call the winning ticket for the ski so that they can announce the winner? I'm sure there's some way this can be worked out without having different raffles for everything.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Here's my 2 cents
The Square should be a seperate raffle. Let SBT handle it since Steph is conducting a poll for where the 1/3 will go.
Also for the General raffle- if there's going to be a ton of stuff maybe pre-draw all the smaller items and only raffle say the 20 large items live to cut down on time.

That is kinda how we did stuff for the Alatonna ride........


then i guess it is your way since i have never done it. granted i work for a large company and when we have large xmas parties and several expensive gifts they have seperate raffle boxes that you can choose to put your tickets in what every you want.

so there is another option. sell tickets for all the items, have a box in front of each item and let the person that bought the ticket decide what they want their ticket to be for. label each 5 dollar raffle box with the appropriate item. Ride plate, superjet, etc....

how is that for an opinion that has worked for a large company for years.

I really like this idea.... I really appreciate you posting that

some of the bigger items can be done that way... very interesting, yet simple concept..

The Penguin

triple secret probation
Nick - we do raffles like that all the time at fundraisers. They are typically called a "bucket raffle"

all tickets are the same price - just drop a ticket in the bucket for the item you want to win.

I would suggest that it may work against you to do a partial bucket raffle. Either do all items with buckets and leave the little stuff (key chains, koozies, t shirts) for door prizes/toss-outs...or think of this option:

if all the tix are $5 have 2 drop boxes

1 box for the square
1 box for the "general raffle"m (for everything else)

that would cut down on the labor needed for ticket sales and eliminate confusion on which tickets are for what items.

at the end, get a couple ppl to count the tix in the square raffle and divide out that money for the designated recipients.


Mesquite, Texas
i am willing to bet that the people that are concerned about the raffle will be happy with that idea. it kinda gives them control of their destiny. lol


ding ding, we have a winner...

see, I knew there was good suggestions out there, I just had to get it out of ya'll



Mesquite, Texas
now all i have to do is find some one that can haul a ski back for me. i will be sending money if i can find some one. better start asking i guess. lol

The Penguin

triple secret probation
I gotcha covered wayne. I'll buy your tix if you send me the $$

I don't deliver to Dallas - you'll have to come to Houston to pick it up :biggrin:
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Mesquite, Texas
I gotcha covered wayne. I'll buy your tix if you send me the $$

I don't deliver to Dallas - you'll have to come to Houston to pick it up :biggrin:

thanks a lot shawn. hell yeah, i will come to houston and do some drinking with you. my treat. if you want to give me your address i will send you a m.o. unless you want paypal, i will cover the fees if that is what you prefer.


Just plain me....
thanks a lot shawn. hell yeah, i will come to houston and do some drinking with you. my treat. if you want to give me your address i will send you a m.o. unless you want paypal, i will cover the fees if that is what you prefer.
DO NOT trust Shawn:nutkick:.....I'll hold your tickets:veryhappy:
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