Penguin's RN build

The Penguin

triple secret probation
Been in the garage most of the day today. I've got some pics that I'll post tomorrow.

but Tubbies are getting faired in, reinforce the bond rail area, e-box re-assembled and I may get started on the motor tomorrow as well.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
well - I been slacking...but spent the last few days back in the garage - hull, hood and pole are headed to the paint shop on Tuesday most likely.

If all goes well - this ski will make the trip to Daytona.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
I would have had it to the painter yesterday, but had to make an unplanned trip to the beach Saturday to try and catch a contractor trespassing on my lot.

just a few small areas to sand tonight and should be ready to go.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
the blind leading the blind? :chairfall:

I may try to get this all put together by myself and not post any pics. Might not even let Mick and Moonie see it till it gets to Daytona. :biggrin:

The Penguin

triple secret probation
dropped off at painter this morning - he's excited about the project.

here's a before photo:

motor assembly should begin in a day or so once I get the garage straightened up.


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The Penguin

triple secret probation
at this point - it's more of an assembly process than a build :biggrin:

I have a few days off around Christmas and plan on doing nothing except taking my time and assembling.


This ski is going to be BAD ARSE... Cant wait to see the final in Daytona Penguin !!!! gunna be PURDY ! :woot:
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