For those staying in Calypso:


my clocks stuck on 4:20
do we want to set up near this house on the beach
im pulling in late thurs night or early fri morning
just kinda womdering where to set up
Calypso is Friday - Monday.

I will call them tomorrow and see if we can get in early on Friday

Hey, give me a call or text if you will when you get there if its before when we can start moving our stuff in. Or I guess just let me know the earliest we can move in an call our dibbs.


The Penguin

triple secret probation
a reminder on parking at Calypso - it will be very tight. with everyone bringing a car (or truck) and trailer - please be considerate of the neighbors and don't park all over the yard.

I'll ask Letha if they have any other rental houses that are vacant for the weekend that we could use for parking - or if there is a parking lot somewhere that we can leave empty vehicles at.

I don't know how much parking space is under the house - but let's try to leave it open for socializing and for anyone that needs to wrench.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
Don't shoot the messenger. Someone must plan on doing some wrenching cause he's reminded me twice to make a post about the parking situation.

and don't forget to brush your teeth....and wash behind your ears.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
Letha said we can park next door at Genesis since it is currently being renovated - just make sure that the contractor is gone for the day on Friday - and be gone by early Monday morning since they have materials being delivered.

Also - I can pick up keys to Calypso about noon tomorrow.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
do we want to set up near this house on the beach
im pulling in late thurs night or early fri morning
just kinda womdering where to set up

Yes. This house is right next to the beach. And there's a portapotty and trashcans.

You'll see our camper. U can't miss it.

It's a really nice place for a large group. Kudos picking this spot.
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