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  • I was hoping to order an impeller and a wear ring from you this week but need some advice. I'm looking for something that's good for a rec rider with a stock motor and a fresh top end.
    Im new to the X but was told your the man. Ive got a 98 sxi pro 750 and need some machine work done to the top end. I was told you could help me out with a bore, pistons, rings etc. Also im gonna need a new crank of repair the crank. If you have any idea of what something like that cost, just a ball park I will be willing to send it off asap to get done.
    I have a 780 from PHP and looking for a set of used carbs. Do you have anything and what would you recommend. Zack wants me to run 48 novi's, but I'm trying not to break the bank on this build.
    I need a new impeller and wear ring for my 94 SN stocker. I want a good all-purpose set up but I'll probably throw a pipe at it pretty soon. What do you recommend?
    I was wondering if you know where I could buy a set of Rickter adjustable motor plates??
    I cant find the spot to start a new conversation with you in my inbox, but I'd like to order some parts. Thanks
    Hey mate chasing a price on drive and mid shafts and mid shaft housing complete shipped to brisbane australia for a pre 08 superjet. Cheers
    Do you have a Yami rn water box? Also looking for a B pipe complete for 61x if you have it. Thanks
    hey here goes my list motor mount bolts ,motor bolts,mid shaft bolts,motor mounts oem,skat trak 148 set back pump with drive shaft,bolts to mount the pump to hull,oem hood latch and bolts with the catch,throttel cable for 1995 superjet,msd enhanser 701,trade in all motor parts let me know how much i owe thanks rob
    What's up bud, this is George. I was wondering if you could pm me about your price for a 155 sb Skat. Thanks dude
    Looking for a complete mid shaft assembly. Just picked up a PHP 780 powermouse from zack. He told me your man for this part. Give me a call at 920-740-0435. Thanks.
    How's it going.
    I am very interested in a ported 735 top end kit and ADA head. My father in law buys from you and I've heard nothing but good things. Please contact me for prices and how to buy! Looking to buy asap. Thank you!
    I need :
    JetWorks ProFCV blue adjustable 54.
    Pisser blue color ( I bought 2 from u about 2 months back & need a 3rd)

    Ken John Hardiman
    Hey Chris I just bought 97superjets ski. He gave me the stock 38mm carbs and said you might be interested in them. Im interested in the Solas Mag pump or possibly a waterbox. On that note I have the entire stock exhaust setup for it. Everything is spotless
    Hey Chris i want to get a 144 mm alum. pump shoe for my sn super jet, pm me with details thanks
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