I not so sure about that. I could have omitted who it was for but i was being honest. Plus i would have to find child care for the girls to make that 6hr drive. I will send you w/ my compression gauge and show you how to use it before you go to make sure that part of the motor is bueno. If it runs and has good compression get it.
So I'm pending approval to use joes ski for the ride this month ;D That wuold be the sweetness. And hopefully I'll have mine in time for April. I really hope that SJ I just posted on is still up for sale. I likey. ;D
hey whats up how is the riding go this year. Well as in the past stunt riding has taken over my summer and my budget. I sent my dad to our lake house At Lake of the Ozarks to at least get my ski ready to ride so he got it running but it is still stock. So i'm looking to just do some bolt ons to the 650 to help low end. I don't want to tear it apart i can still get some riding in this summer and fall. I do have a 750 large pin to put in it but going to wait. Any help would be great and i have a dvd of me riding last nov. but it's to large for my lap top to open so waiting for my buddy who edits the streetfighterz dvds to help me edit it and get it on youtube its differnt but has some good shots. look forward to hearing from you and might be moving south so i can start to ride surf every day.
not real hard unless you run into the problem of the stocker being corroded to the shaft.
u will have to use heat and an impellor tool or old driveshaft in a vice to hold the impellor or w/ the tool put the end of the impellor shaft on the pump into a vice and from the spline end use the impellor tool and an impact to remove
I think I am getting that racing hood which means you can have this one back pretty much set up and ready to bolt on and go!If you don't mind I will probably have him send it to you and pick it up in a cpl of weeks as I will be down soon to see Sandra.Hopefully we can go ride for a bit then!I am sure that would be cheaper on shipping.Pm me your addy when you get a chance please!
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