Might be a lil late but the one way tube is at an awkward angle. i tapped the hourglass in to where the bottom left edge was flush with the back of the hull. the end cap does not snap into the hourglass (must be epoxied in), it does however touch one small area of the hour glass (bottom left...
found very little info so i made a post for my 2015 xfs Ti ez drain install. http://www.x-h2o.com/index.php?threads/thrust-ez-drain-install-2015-rickter-xfs.191118/
check repeatedly with the end cap and tap the hourglass in until the cap sits flush to the hull. there will be noticeable gap on the pump side.
with the end cap sitting flush to the hull you can now mix up your epoxy to permanently install the end cap. I used G-flex 2 part epoxy with a little...
2015 xfs glass Rickter scupper started either sticking shut or would stay open and about sank a few times on the lake. decided to purchase Thrust Innovations EZ drain 2-3/4".
first step is to remove the old scupper
remove the three allen bolts
I applied some heat to the scupper ring to...
3 UFO mounts from Jet Maniac epoxied on using a cold fusion ebox bracket is what i run. could probly get away with 2 of thier big mounts and mount the ebox directly to them.
I’ve seen an 2017 Xfs hood pop on a failed back flip and it sank to the bottom of the river. Walked away with the hood and tank. We all now run hood straps. Worth the extra insurance.
Had a convo with tom at hot products. I was told dasa prety much took over the design. Butterfly's are part #BN48BF
I didn't get to ask about the shaft.
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