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  • Z

    i have pjs super cylinder ported by jensen

    this is a t 3 cylinder porting

    i built a sxr motor with this ...
    i needs any info and pics ...

    it is 80 mm standart bore and fresh rebuilt crank 77 mm stroke
    i have a prob with my pjs head 130 PSI ... its low .. haed is remachining too low ...
    you have a pjs head for sale ?
    what timing curve u run ?
    i have 23°in static and 11° 7750 in my total loss its good ?
    my exhaust is a factory pipe with rpm chamber ,pjs manifold
    twin mikuni 44s
    you have 77 mm stoke too ?
    i have 198° in exhaust duration

    its a good engine, u have good power ?,and botom ?

    THANKS Mick
    what your max rpm with your sx and speed ?
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