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  • Did you sell the motor and cart yet? If not whats the number you need to ship to Ft. Laud. Fl.
    I am open to go and ride. I am working the rust off from being out of the sport for so long. Been riding allot @ Pyramid but for some reason the ski runs fine here at the house but when I get it up to the lake it is good for about an hour then when I give it throttle it dies. I want to tune it up so it does not die on me in the surf... Chris
    I completely spaced it. Bruce was going to get it and he forgot. I remembered at 6:30 last night and sent Bruce back out to get it. Someone told him Stan took it. I will get it from him later. Thanks for the hull! Sorry about the hassle lol.
    Hey you how are things? Pebble? No more myspace so we cant drop a line from time to time. Build another one :) Hope all is well. By the way EJ may go ride sat on his bday with Christian (Pismo)
    I do still want that hull! I never noticed this message here before! I guess that hull is long gone eh?
    i was going to send u the payment yesterday but my internet wasnt working at my house .. so around 3 or 4 i'll send u another message.
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