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  1. Andy550sx

    Freestyle Faux Toe Freye dhay

    Who's that fat guy Riding the pink spark and that abomintation!?!
  2. Andy550sx

    Freestyle Bromance

    If it feels good do it:D
  3. Andy550sx

    Freestyle Fridddday Fottttos

    It was an action packed battle to the death, eveyone went down fighting! Every single competitor was a force to be reckoned with and totally worthy of claiming the title! Next years Stab Off is going to be insane!! And yes @Aquaholic 701 the trophy girl did (reluctantly) come home with me haha!
  4. Andy550sx

    Hey man hows it going, I saw that you have a Lustic hood on your 750. I picked one up the other...

    Hey man hows it going, I saw that you have a Lustic hood on your 750. I picked one up the other day and am having a hard time getting it to fit on my 750. It doesn't seem to sit down all the way and leaves about a 1/2 in gap between the bottom of the hood and the hull. Did you have any problems...
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