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  1. codyadams209

    What's your view look like today?

    Editing the pismo freeride video
  2. codyadams209

    sunk my brand new 2015 WDK rip...she gone

    Applied coatings in Lodi is where I get my ski stuff done. Really good work
  3. codyadams209

    My 2016 Rickter Edge Build thread

    Damn that's lookin good
  4. codyadams209

    Freestyle 2016 MAXX w/ TPE Build

    Sweet build and video
  5. codyadams209

    California freestyle Phantom at the Miler Park Polar bear ride review

    Looks sweet just please shorten the pole to where your shock pad is and buy a rrp or hurricane chinpad ;)
  6. codyadams209

    How do you afford this sport?

    Used hull. But yea probably the youngest to buy their own am hull
  7. codyadams209

    Project "Snow White" 2016 hurricane c2

    I'll have to check and measure tomorrow but here is a rough idea of the length from the side
  8. codyadams209

    Greats in our sport !

    Cali guys. ZB. Derrick sr. TC
  9. codyadams209

    Project "Snow White" 2016 hurricane c2

    Cut that pole down pronto. Sucks to hear about the stolen stuff
  10. codyadams209

    Project "Snow White" 2016 hurricane c2

  11. codyadams209

    Project "Snow White" 2016 hurricane c2

    Cutting them could be dangerous. It could take on a lot of water if flipped upside down. You and mark should talk to Derrick about this issue
  12. codyadams209

    Project "Snow White" 2016 hurricane c2

    Yup he is. Same exact thing happened to mark Olson
  13. codyadams209

    Codys 2014 Hurricane Build

    Alright so next time I should try to get the bars to my chest to rotate faster?
  14. codyadams209

    Codys 2014 Hurricane Build

    How are these flips?
  15. codyadams209

    Codys 2014 Hurricane Build

    Finally getting flips
  16. codyadams209

    Project "Snow White" 2016 hurricane c2

    I like the pissers. And I've heard nothing but good things about the steering
  17. codyadams209

    Codys 2014 Hurricane Build

    It rips now. (Not me riding btw)
  18. codyadams209

    Project "Snow White" 2016 hurricane c2

    I'd just wait to find a used rrp, that's what I did, got mine for $700 shipped with chinpad
  19. codyadams209

    148 skat-trak install?

    Waterproof grease and elbow grease
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