Factory pipe type 4 dry pipe
- bottom bracket is broken but isn’t needed
- I ran it with the top brackets on the head and it’s fine
- paint is peeling slightly but when installed can’t tell
Pipe works great and has no issues. Price is plus shipping
Location is dallas
Up for sale are some parts off my superjet. Most things on this sheet are for sale. Message me for pricing.
- factory pipe type 4 dry pipe-650
- msd water injection- sold
- novi 44 carbs - sold
Rebuilt with 1 tank through them
- RD custom bored intake - sold
- Carbon reeds and cages - sold...
Dasa 900 Comp motor for sale
0 hour motor Rebuilt by Chris Anyzeski at freestyle connections
Adr 10mil crank
85.5 bore
Location: Freestyle connections Florida
4600 firm
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