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  1. tatronation

    Eme and pfp

    mine is super tight in my q8 as well. steering cable rubs on the chamber.
  2. tatronation

    Quick Total loss wiring help

    got it all figured out guys. thanks
  3. tatronation

    Quick Total loss wiring help

    Need help wiring this type of starter selnoid to my oem start switch. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. tatronation

    Custom/Hybrid EME Q8/Aerial 8/Micro/Roid discussion thread

    decided to go with an xmetal comp pole for my q8 this year
  5. tatronation

    Lee Stone flatwater double backflip??

    You guys are right, this video is old. Probably a few months before last years world finals is when I first saw it. Never came up on the x and decided I'd post it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. tatronation

    Freestyle Blunder Jet

    ... waiting...
  7. tatronation

    PHP 898

    yeah but i just need a dvx and a 155 haha
  8. tatronation

    Custom/Hybrid EME Q8/Aerial 8/Micro/Roid discussion thread

    my setup for this year: eme q8 TPE 1105 w/ php 10mil 49 full spectrums Xscream skat 148 Msd total loss powerfactor
  9. tatronation

    Freestyle Baby Scream DVX

    I highly doubt the average Joe could flip this ski. Peter's skills are what is most impressive to me. Im sure those 30k skis he has are what has made him such a good rider. Don't get your hopes up guys... not bashing the ski at all, just saying this is skill!
  10. tatronation

    Freestyle Baby Scream DVX

    Any chance I can get a pic of the pump tunnel? Is it a smaller tunnel than a normal dvx? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. tatronation

    Freestyle Open Helmet Experience Discussion

    What about a full face cage on an ice hockey helmet? Ive taken 90mph slapshots to the face with no issues.
  12. tatronation

    Kawai pump tilt systems

    I have thrust kawi trim for sale.
  13. tatronation

    Freestyle When does a trick count?

    And that's why we jet ski haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. tatronation

    Ported 701s, what's your favorite dome size?

    Race gas on a 701 isn't worth it to me... Save that money for a bigger motor. Favorite dome size : 35cc but more importantly, what your engine builder recommends. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. tatronation

    Freestyle When does a trick count?

    What are the specs on that ski?
  16. tatronation

    Freestyle Eme q8 build thread

    If anyone is interested
  17. tatronation

    2015 Phantom build

    Im running novi 44s on my tpe 964 with no issues whatsoever.
  18. tatronation

    Custom/Hybrid EME Q8/Aerial 8/Micro/Roid discussion thread

    I'm running a custom sxr tbm Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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