Your missing the point .
I am one of the many that have all the 144 stuff so just require a 500 solas .
For me to upgrade to try oem 155 over solas
200 for used 155oem pump
100 for reduction nozzle trim
100 for pump shoe
40 for seal
Prop -wash
So what I'm curious if it's worth all the...
Also really curious to know if anyone has done a 155 Oem to a 144 mag solas , for budget set up they cost around the same . I really wounder which performs better with a limited setup.
Just picked up phantom on weekend , big thanks to Josh at California freestyle .
This hulls infused Fiberglass flatwater version
Hull weight is 78lbs
W/ alum pump shoe
Hood 13lbs
Power plant
898 php
Novi 48mm carbs
Php intake
Power factor pipe
Msd tL
155 mag
Im 2nd on that white board. I sent a deposit pretty much 1 year ago after wf. And there has been nothing but broken promises and brutal communication. I have a feeling this thread is just made to reel in somemore suckers to send convenient this hulls ready in time for WF...
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