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  1. Christopher

    64Y Midshaft Specs

    So I bought a used midshaft for my B2. 64Y. Had a buddy chuck it up on his lathe so that we could clean it up and noticed a slight wobble. How true does the midshaft have to be? Is there run out tolerance?
  2. Christopher

    Hull sanding

    Planning on sanding the my hull this weekend (96 B2) after some minor glass repair and patching. Also, sanding the hood and the the hatch cover as well. What kind of sandpaper should I use in the plastic? 320 then 500? Should it be wet? What about the hull? 60? Any feedback is appreciated!
  3. Christopher

    Sealant type

    Yep! Bought a new one with the purchase of the pump, Wear Ring and aluminum pump shoe! Thanks for looking out, Chris!
  4. Christopher

    Sealant type

    Who doesn’t?
  5. Christopher

    Sealant type

    Would Yamabond work? I got a whole tube of That
  6. Christopher

    Sealant type

    Rebuilt my pump set up this weekend. New pump, new wear ring , new pump shoe. What type of sealer should be used between the pump and wear ring?
  7. Christopher

    R&D Mani vs Stock

    Can someone please inform me of the advantages of going with an aftermarket mani vs the stock Mani? Just picked up a set of Vforce Reeds and am curious to know if there will be a difference between through them on a stock Mani or a R&D.
  8. Christopher


    found out I bought some 81mm domes, pistons are 83mm. 35cc. Can I still use these? What are my concerns?
  9. Christopher

    B2 1100

    I wanna treat this like a hot rod. Make it all pretty and such. I have a B2 that Inuse for wave jumping in Lake Michigan with. Looking at going after a B1 to replace the B2 though. I'm only about 2 years into the sport so all this is new and this will be my 1st solo build
  10. Christopher

    B2 1100

    I have a shorter mid shaft ready to go. (64U) I think. I knew about the conversion kit from Blowsin but am kinda liking the plate setup you have. Can I use the same water box? What about the prop?
  11. Christopher

    B2 1100

    Whats up! Planning on a B2 1100 conversion, my 1st one. Any information that I need to know?
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