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  1. bigstu

    Surfriding Dream Day part 1

  2. bigstu

    New to Portland, OR Area

    Lets ride again soon! Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  3. bigstu

    New to Portland, OR Area

    I wear a shoie motocross helmet, rip curl 3-4 wetsuit, USCG approved life vest, neoprene socks, hightop shoes, and gloves. Shin guards are nice to have too. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  4. bigstu

    New to Portland, OR Area

    Welcome! Let us know when you want to ride the surf! We go as much as we possibly can. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  5. bigstu

    Freestyle hooker 9/15 vs stock 2012 SJ impeller

    No it's not.
  6. bigstu

    Two Skis and Beach Cart in Toyota T100 Bed

    Update, added some carpet to the rails and some monster skateboard wheels to ease the transition between beach cart and truck
  7. bigstu

    Blaster Turf installation

    Did you let it almost dry before you stick them together? Can should say like 15min before application. If you do that, it's not coming off.
  8. bigstu

    Two Skis and Beach Cart in Toyota T100 Bed

    Only takes up the corner of the garage when not in use
  9. bigstu

    What is your ultimate shop cart?

    Four nice locking swivel casters and storage under.
  10. bigstu

    Two Skis and Beach Cart in Toyota T100 Bed

    Thanks man! Its a great truck I have no complaints!
  11. bigstu

    Two Skis and Beach Cart in Toyota T100 Bed

    I decided to build a two ski hauler for my truck. My requirements were that it needed to be something that was easy to handle by myself and wouldn't take up much space in the garage. I also wanted a minimal amount of modifications to my truck. This is what I came up with and it works great! It...
  12. bigstu

    Super Jet Rdrttoy's 2008 Super Jet Build

    Dude ouch! what happened?
  13. bigstu

    What the hell is wrong with this thing

    Is it possible that the gas tank breather is plugged?
  14. bigstu

    300/440/550 Js550 Pump Upgades ***NEED FEEDBACK***

    Well I think diameters are much more important than lenght in this case but I would need to go back through my fluid dynamics book before I open my mouth too much. My guess it that the spacer is more for moving the nozzle further back to gain leverage over the ski for better turning. If you do...
  15. bigstu

    300/440/550 Js550 Pump Upgades ***NEED FEEDBACK***

    I don't think the spacer does anything for you.
  16. bigstu

    Need help finding a college engineering student laptop

    Do yourself a favor and get something that is a 2 in 1, so you can take all your written notes on Microsoft one note. Then get your books on pdf. Your back will thank you haha. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  17. bigstu

    Watch "Js550 Summer Highlight Edit" on YouTube

    Awesome dude! Keep it up! Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  18. bigstu

    Custom/Hybrid SuperJet Based Build Part 2: Rockered, Shortened, Widened Tray

    Thats an awesome build! Someday I'd like to do mine like this @rileym21
  19. bigstu

    Sneds enclosed trailer build

    @rileym21 This is what we need
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