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  1. burton391

    Freestyle New rok-r 1200

    need some pics of progress
  2. burton391

    Other so... sketchy...

    on my way to pick this gem up.
  3. burton391

    Freestyle New rok-r 1200

  4. burton391

    Freestyle New rok-r 1200

    its a grower not a shower everyone knows that
  5. burton391

    Freestyle New rok-r 1200

    getting stoked to get that beast on the water tomorrow?
  6. burton391

    Freestyle New rok-r 1200

    ya gets old
  7. burton391

    Freestyle New rok-r 1200

    holy shortness
  8. burton391

    Freestyle New rok-r 1200

    Be a lot cooler if you did it today.
  9. burton391

    Freestyle WDK ROK-R hull......"WHITE UNICORN"

    any updates on this beast?
  10. burton391

    Matt_E's 2012 Blowsion Surf Slam pics

    Told you to not get in that van that said free candy.
  11. burton391

    Matt_E's 2012 Blowsion Surf Slam pics

    Well we know someone likes the foot rocket.
  12. burton391

    Custom/Hybrid Burton......

    No I wish. I got to acquire a few more parts before i can get it on the water. I'm getting ready to start cutting it up!
  13. burton391

    bob build questions

    I know what I wanted in a hull.
  14. burton391

    bob build questions

    I'd try out a couple different hulls before you buy.
  15. burton391

    bob build questions

  16. burton391

    bob build questions

    I've ridden superfreak. Q8. And a bob plus i just received my rok-r. all in all thought the bob was not up to par for the price. The fit and finish on my rok-r is a million times better then the bobs. Just my personal opinion.
  17. burton391

    bob build questions

    Surprised its for anybody.
  18. burton391

    bob build questions

    just buy rtr then.
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