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  1. rideit516

    Super Jet The why would you build a sn?

    Sick build. Makes me want to do crazy things to mine
  2. rideit516

    Super Jet 1990 Square Build

    Sweet dude. bringing her out thursday?
  3. rideit516

    Super Jet 1990 Square Build

    Sick dude!
  4. rideit516

    Super Jet 1990 Square Build

    Nice, I like it!. Get her ready to ride. I want to see how she feels.
  5. rideit516

    Blaster Blaster 1 factory pipe trade

    I don't think it'll fit, looks way to big
  6. rideit516

    Blaster Blaster 1 factory pipe trade

    I have a blaster 1 limited chamber that I'm looking to trade for a superjet chamber, any takers?
  7. rideit516

    Super Jet x scream water box/rad dudes exhaust tube in a square

    Plenty of room for breathers. I changed my exhaust tube out the back to a big tube also. Runs great and not too loud
  8. rideit516

    STEVEPWC on the BOB V Wake

    I'll help out with that, make a great wheel man on a boat too
  9. rideit516

    Super Jet Shortening squarenose and new nose

    is that yellow duct tape?
  10. rideit516

    Freestyle FATDAN's Square

    Green machine looks cool man. What poole its that? Do you like it?
  11. rideit516

    Super Jet my square nose

    I forget the name of the bracket. You can use a stock sn bracket you just have to make up spacers to take up the gap evenly on each side of the pole. I like the tubbies. Taking some getting used top but its also my first yamaha. Bruce what kind of tubbies do I have?
  12. rideit516

    Super Jet x scream water box/rad dudes exhaust tube in a square

    It fits, just real tight.
  13. rideit516

    Super Jet my square nose

    Ha damn phone
  14. rideit516

    Super Jet my square nose

    Its great. Right now I have the longer umi steering plate, eventually going to get a shorter plate when I get more used to it
  15. rideit516

    Super Jet my square nose

    Its great. Right now I have the longer umi steering plate, eventually going to get a shorter plate when I get more used to it
  16. rideit516

    Super Jet my square nose

    Oh yes 2nd gen box and that is the fuel fill
  17. rideit516

    Super Jet my square nose

    Ha not am extra hose. Just not done connecting the rear tube yet
  18. rideit516

    Super Jet my square nose

    Got some new parts. 46 blackjack w/manifold and reeds and an xmetal water box that was a royal pain to fit. crammed the f up on there, tank is real snug going in now too
  19. rideit516

    Super Jet x scream water box/rad dudes exhaust tube in a square

    Has anyone ever used either an Xscream water box or Rad Dudes exhaust tube in a square nose or hopefully both? How did they fit? Mine is crammed in real tight, going to have to offset my battery box.
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