I just remembered that I recently bought one of those laser "LASER" thermometers... I should use that to check my chamber temps. Thanks for reminding me.
I appreciate everyone's responses. I've heard 3rd hand stories about bad migraines, but reading what some of you wrote... sweet jesus thats awful. I don't like mine but i'm thankful that I don't have it as bad as some have described.
I can't recall what my Mom takes, but she hates taking it...
Ah yes! So I can tell that I need to stretch. Usually my shoulders and I try to stretch them as best as I can. But this morning for example, when I stretched that's when I got nauseous, maybe i'm holding my breath or straining too much.
My mom (Who is 70 now) has had issues with Migraines all my life, and she claims the older she gets the more frequent it happens, and they're much much worse. She takes a medication daily now to help reduce the frequency but the side effects are almost not worth taking the drug. Almost.
Same as BK and Skidiggity said.... I had the same issues and the silicone on the snout of the starter helped immensely. You build it up just below the O-ring, let it skin up a little but not completely dry. Then slide it on without messing it up, bolt it down... you should be good concerning any...
My 3 y/o son just spent 15min telling me we need to go to the beach and make sand castles including detailed instructions on how to make them. This may be a timely trip lol.
"Daddy, we have to fill the bucket and then turn it over and tap tap tap it and then we have a sand castle and we have to...
I'll leave it be for now. After freezing my sacajewea off yesterday i'm gonna tap the brakes on riding for about a month until the water is warmer. I bet with the way I have it setup it'll sizzle when the waters closer to 70* and the air is closer to 90*.
Now I just need to find the little...
^^^ I don't get it :(
So my boss is being really cool to me right now cause he thinks/ knows i'm considering changing jobs. So today he took me fishing. The Crappie should be spawing any day now so it should have been good fishing. Waters just too cold though, we both caught a little five...
Went for my first ride yesterday. I ended up closing the top screw almost completely and the chamber temp was warm but not steaming or boiling. I'm talking less than an 1/8" of a turn from bottomed out. But I think at bottomed out I would still get water.
Also, the water was like 55* so I was...
I found it!
Hey I just work here man... LOL
That was the last thread that I read. I replaced my screws with the ones from the guy on here who sells them, they have the little T handles. I closed the bottom all the way and have been messing with the top. It runs fine with the bottom and middle completely...
I've never gone to the lengths of rockering a hull etc. But i've done a little composites work so i'll tell you what i've learned the hard way
Seal up the fire wall and anywhere else that can leak water. When you drill your new exhaust hole and patch the old one. Do it right. Seal around the...
I'm pretty lucky. My wife is very understanding and we have a lot of mutual respect. The only time I consistently get on her nerves is either spending money, or talking about spending large sums of money. When you have 5 hobbies with varying levels of interest at any given time, if you're not...
Long story alert.
So... today I had hoped to either A. Go to the Goodguys Car Show or B. Go riding for the first time this year.
The weather has been cloudy/ rainy for days, and was forecasted to continue to be cloudy and rainy today.
My wife said my mother in law needed help getting her...
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