You are a fuggin classic buddy!!! He prints it his girl, slutty and I just wanna look but you'd be "all over that"!!! LOL :smashfreakB: Money says he won't be staying with you!!!!
Sergio got one there for him. I guess because the Blowsion ski from last year is still at the Brazilian Customs inspectors private lake there. Don't think he wanted to lose his new Go Fast. Pretty damn good getting on a ski you've never riden and get a couple hours practice and take second...
Nice clip DJ.
Couple things I noticed...
1. Water still looks fugging cold in the middle of Aug.
2. The women in the video are white as a ghosts.
3. Didn't see a fishing pole with the guy on the 3D, but I'm sure he had to be fishing cause he wasn't moving.
Dude, Show some love, I was kidding. That paint is sick and everything I've seen of Bobby's has been top notch imo. Even that first bottom be brought out to Sebby to show. Lustic's boat has been beat to shiet from before Daytona 08 and still going. I'm a fan. Just raggin your ass kissing...
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