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  1. R

    Feet Normal, Goofy, or both ways?

    Yeah, whenever I first started driving i would mess around doing that when I fell, wears me out a lot though as the ski barely has enough power to do it.
  2. R

    Bilge pump placement - theory

    I'm using an ok bilge pump right now, variable speed, doesn't bind up or cavitate while using etc etc... A pic of one kinda like the one I use...
  3. R

    Best jacket?

    With the locations they put the fire extinguishers on these things I could be a hundred feet away and safe from it by the time I got the fire extinguisher out and even thought about opening up the hatch to put the fire out(it would probably cause a flash fire if you opened the hatch and there...
  4. R

    motor bogging not sure why

    Or maybe wrong plugs? Check to make sure you didn't accidentally put the wrong ones in.(as in the numbers)
  5. R

    Pad under HydroTurf

    It is actually ripping it around the area of the letters... And Yes a few areas didn't get glued right(mostly an inch or so at the front corners), I did it when I was 14 so 4 years of use isn't too bad.
  6. R

    Pad under HydroTurf

    Isn't 25 mm around 1 inch? If so I doubt you would want that. IDK I ride goofy and the spot at which the letters are is on the left side so my left foot is causing the area around that to lift and rip. EDIT: seriously you like it that thick? does it make your foot move around any due to the...
  7. R

    Feet Normal, Goofy, or both ways?

    Yeah, I am now glad I did switch foot when starting out because I was messing around dragging my leg earlier today and it was pretty easy except I need a faster bike, lol.(that or I need to learn not to lean as much) But it is ridiculous how tight I can turn now by doing that. BTW, anybody have...
  8. R

    popular freestyle ski??

    I live at the lake of the ozarks and we have quite a few boats and generally I don't ride when it is choppy because it is harder to hit the boat waves right in the first place. Also the majority of the boats are runabouts and pontoons etc and don't make a very large wave(some cruisers go by...
  9. R

    popular freestyle ski??

    So the superjet really is worth the extra money? What is it that's "wrong" with a sxr? Just doesn't handle as good? Right now I am looking to get a new bike and was kinda leaning to the sxr because it is over a thousand dollars cheaper than a SJ. I currently have a 1991 650 sx and it just isn't...
  10. R

    Feet Normal, Goofy, or both ways?

    Hmmm... I didn't know I ride goofy most of the time, When I do "high speed" turns I go with the foot on the inside of the turn forward...that's just how I do it.
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