Search results

  1. motoman3000

    Used Nemo good buyer

    Easy transaction, sent bank check out quick. Appreciate the trust, tough makin deals w/o paypal these days. Hope the pole's working out.
  2. motoman3000

    Super Jet Another Square back to life build

    I wanted to lower and round-out my hood so I chopped it with the angle grinder. That made beating out the liner a little easier. What carnage! Next I foamed it so I could round out the top. Then shmeared some epoxy/filler over it so I could glass over...
  3. motoman3000

    Super Jet Another Square back to life build

    Work slow atm, so back to the ski. Finally got it inside and flipped over to start smoothing the gouges on the bottom. Also starting to get all materials together- OCD bilge switch, jetmaniac primer bulb, hood strap, tom sponsons and footholds. Because of the debacle with Rev footholds, I...
  4. motoman3000

    Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build

    you check in to see the build and and you get anything but... love it
  5. motoman3000

    Freestyle LOL hull

    Second that. A newb to composites can def gain something with all the great pics of your processes. Btw, do you have to show that lush tropical background? lol So grey here, I'm jealous
  6. motoman3000

    anyone from nj?

    I launch my boat and ski outta surf city cuz its free-never been down to the south end(holgate beach haven) to launch/ride either because that inlet had been so effed up. But Sandy might have improved that. I use barnaget when Im going ocean fishing but havent taken my ski there yet. Its...
  7. motoman3000

    Other First motorcycle crash

    In a nutshell, broke every bone except my neck, some in 2-3 places. Just about severed leg off, but technology is great and I still have it. Main thing was my helmet did its job and I'm not a vegetable. Exactly what I was sayng in the icu, strung up like an erector set with all the...
  8. motoman3000

    Other Sanding discs that actually stick!!!!

    I think I got some good info, ur from jersey, use it as you may
  9. motoman3000

    Other First motorcycle crash

    Good to hear you recovered OK. Be careful bro, people are crazy in this ny/nj metro area. No respect for two wheels. Heres my R!, post head-on collision. And the reason why I switched to water riding
  10. motoman3000

    Other Sanding discs that actually stick!!!!

    Its a craftsman 4hp 25 gal 120v single phase. Says it puts out 7scfm @90psi. paying $150. I think it will suit me fine for the little bit of work i'll need it for. I can see where it might hold back the guy who wants to get things done efficiently, thats not me. At least not with my ski build...
  11. motoman3000

    Other Sanding discs that actually stick!!!!

    ahh, the twist n lock is it. my only tool as of now is the dual action, so stick was my only option. Picking up a 25 gal comp. off CL tomorrow, so ill be hitting HF for that mini sander and staying outta the sticky pad aisle!
  12. motoman3000

    Other Sanding discs that actually stick!!!!

    Im new to working with composites and air tools. What brand of sanding discs you guys use that have a good amount of tack? I picked up a pack at HD and they fly right off! :-):-):-):-)ty just like everything else they sell! Although the small pack I previously got at HF stuck on ok, it can be...
  13. motoman3000

    Super Jet Just bought a Yamaha Superjet 701, "new to the forum"

    damn straight! Engine bay is spotless!
  14. motoman3000

    Super Jet Project Copperfiber part II 1100 tripple

    Nice bottle opener..and build
  15. motoman3000

    Other favorite life vest for cheap

    gone phishing? ^^^^
  16. motoman3000

    New trebsdub honest seller

    sent payment, received merchandise. what more can you ask for. thanks.
  17. motoman3000

    Super Jet Contacting Waterdawg Customz

    When i started this thread I had NOOO idea all the drama that surrounded this company. I'm new to the scene, but running a business is the same all over whether its footholds or ferrari's your selling. I never once had to resort to calling a websites phone number in my 20 yrs of e-commerce to...
  18. motoman3000

    Super Jet Contacting Waterdawg Customz

    He lives! 2 garbled messages on my crappy home phone which I never answer. Too drunk now, Will decipher tomorrow when I get my head.
  19. motoman3000

    Super Jet Contacting Waterdawg Customz

    I keep my accounts separated and this cc used only for online stuff. Not the biggest deal. I know what your saying though.
  20. motoman3000

    Super Jet Contacting Waterdawg Customz

    good advice. # 1 on the punch list tomorrow morning
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