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    Carnage to yourself, what have you walked away from?

    Going out for a day on the lake, just backed the skiis in, got out was hurrying in anticipation slipped on the boat ramp tried catching my self, what up broken wrist. hoped right back in the truck went to the hospital. :) great day on the lake
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    96 rn super-wet!!! Build

    oh okay, sorry bout the questions im just a newbie. one more...maybe two. Why did you go buy another stock hood? and did you have to lower the middle at all to fit the new lowered bracket?
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    96 rn super-wet!!! Build

    First off, Good job man it looks amazing and its awesome that you did the work your self! What did you do with the liner from the hood, since you cut it along with the hood? like how did you seal it up again. did you have to buy a lower handlepole bracket? and where did you get you handle pole from?
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    Where to start?

    Yoo. i have a 98 SJ the only thing that is done to it is a new matkit. i ride on a lake and some times lake michigan. I'm not loaded with money but what are the first things i should buy or do to my ski in order of doing it to make it better for freestyle. any help is appreciated :)
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    How do you guys go about filming. filming from shore you cant get close enoght to make it worth it.
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