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  1. motosurf781

    B Pipe on Brand new SJ

    Can I install a b pipe on a brand new SJ without breaking it in? I did steering and intake grate so far.
  2. motosurf781

    Superjet Mod Help 2019

    just ordered an 05 cable
  3. motosurf781

    Superjet Mod Help 2019

    so what did you do there, grind it down looks like? and those are the bolts you had to cut down a bit?
  4. motosurf781

    Superjet Mod Help 2019

    this all was the main reason on my 2014 SJ i never did the pipe, pain in the ass to install. hopefully i dont licorice anything up lmao
  5. motosurf781

    Superjet Mod Help 2019

    definitely plan on keeping my head for a while. Trying to keep everything reliable, im mainly going to be chasing boats and freeride. I looked up my order on blowsion definitely a WR201 intake. yeah blowsion sells a new couple, should be interesting to install
  6. motosurf781

    Superjet Mod Help 2019

    so which cable do you recommend i get?
  7. motosurf781

    Superjet Mod Help 2019

    What exactly will the cable do? just get me more angle and throw? and I had the 201 on my 2014 and loved it. At least I think I did
  8. motosurf781

    Superjet Mod Help 2019

    Had a 2014 SJ and sold it for a couch way back. Well licorice the couch, so i bought another SJ. Mods I bought is a blowsions pole and steering OVP do I need a different steering cable or should i be fine stock? I ordered a B pipe because everyone said to. ( asides from what factory gives you do I...
  9. motosurf781

    Super Jet First Mods for your New Superjet

    Yeah i did take the factory bilge out. no need for it. i put an duel electric bilge. worked like a charm. i then sealed around the tube on inside and out. or you can drill your own line too with a long ass bit and then get a 1/4 inch pipe for it. all preference. i didnt wanna drill a hole and i...
  10. motosurf781

    Enclosed Mobile Garage

    some updates. that 550 in the middle im going to be chopping up and doings come crazy build with it. backflip flatwater is the plan. well see though. thursday im gunna start marking it up up
  11. motosurf781

    Enclosed Mobile Garage

  12. motosurf781

    Enclosed Mobile Garage

    well when i bought it they said it was 8.5 by 20. by acutally measuring it, turns out 8x20. but perfect size. kind of wish i bought the 24 foot. it wouldve been cheaper too but that extra 4 feet would be big for where i live. lots of tight turns
  13. motosurf781

    Enclosed Mobile Garage

    yeah im definitly on a budget so im not looking to put a/c in it. I'm running led lights across the roof and having them hooked up to a switch board. going to run them off deep cell batterys that ill use in my little boat. heres some progress of so far.
  14. motosurf781

    Enclosed Mobile Garage

    yeah i was thnking of rhino lining just the back door, i did contemplate it, i might end up picking some up tomoroww
  15. motosurf781

    Enclosed Mobile Garage

    yeah i say camping lightly, i mean sleep in the trailer while at motocross track, which is more comfortable than my back seat of my truck
  16. motosurf781

    Enclosed Mobile Garage

    well the intention was 1 superjet and one dirtbike and a nice bed to camp lol, well i came across a 750sx for $800 was told everything was there but missing a bunch of stuff, electircal and exhaust manifold and mad other stuff. but definitly gunna have 2 skis in there and a bike now, possibly...
  17. motosurf781

    Enclosed Mobile Garage

    heres where the tool box is
  18. motosurf781

    Enclosed Mobile Garage

    painted the walls with some all weather paint and then the floors with some epoxy shield for garages, came out pretty damn good. building up some shelfs and what not. building as i go to see how it comes out.
  19. motosurf781

    Enclosed Mobile Garage

    Plan on making a mobile garage for my ski and dirtbike. I wanna be able to work in there and maybe even sleep in there. Kind of winging it as I go. Eventually I want to run 12volt led lights around top and have 2 deep cell batterys and a charger bank to run lights. Heres my progress. All ideas...
  20. motosurf781

    Super Jet First Mods for your New Superjet

    i just modded my 2014 superjet finally. heres a list of what i did, i did it all at once. Duel bilge, i bought the mount from bowsion. honestly waste of money, just mount it to bottom of ski i didnt even use it. pull electrical box and then mount them down there. footholds returfed. honestly...
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