thanks man yeah i went down at 10:00 when they opened and i have to run back there in little bit to get everything done, i live like 30 from there so its pretty solid.
do you mind me asking for your name? i talked to little john yesterday he seems pretty upfront. first he gave me a ridiculous price but then i was like woah i got way better pricing elsewhere but i was reccomended to there store. so a name helps. im getting a trailer too from them. is there...
stumpies beat dhy by about 80 bucks on ski and about 100 on trailer, but isnt dhy a better place? or is stumpies good too. i hope to build a relationship with the place and have where i buy the ski fix the ski when needed
what should i spend out the door price for new superjet. i know it may vary a bit but so i know to go in and say i want it for this price out door and so i can go off of something to negotiate
alright sweet you literally just persuaded me in that sentence. i never knew how they rode. should i just do a new one? its mad hard finding one right now thats cheap enough, if i do new ima finance it.
I definitly appreciate the tips, i know im gunna need alot of time on the water to do what I want. but i want to just get a ski that will be able to do what i want instead of having to resell then buy another down the road. some guy is selling a 650sx for 2500 and i got him down to 2100. bilge...
yeah i could afford new but if everything is done already on like a 1997 or 2001 should i do that. but then i have to worry about something breaking but it is fraction of cost and already has power to do flips and all. but could a new one do all those tricks too
okay i been riding the 300sx over the summer and love it more than anything. starting getting pretty good with control and ready to move to a superjet. i dont know if i should buy a used one that is all modded for half the price or buy new and keep stock and maybe mod it down the road. I would...
alright so had engine problems left and right got those all fixed. when i swapped motors i touched the starter wire to the engine and it made a huge spark. i figured i blew a fuse but i dont see any fuses. any ideas what i is wrong? please help thanks.
alright so i bought the ski planning on getting it running. put way to much money into already. rebuilt the top end and got everything back into it with a premix and block off now. go to start it nothing. so i put little fuel into carb. started right up 10 seconds later boom. the top end blew...
I am new to jetskis and just bought 2 js300's for a package deal 1 ran other was taken apart. 87 and and 88 sx
I wanna ride in the ocean but how do i bring my jetski onto the beach and into ocean and is it LEGAL I live central jersey and normally surf belmar spring lake seagurt seaside those...
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