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  1. R35P3CT

    20% Off at

    i wish they had a better selection of drysuits....i guess a thick wet suit for cheap will do for now
  2. R35P3CT

    my first time going to world finals. Need advice.

    I wanted to stay the whole next week and go to Pismo...but for some reason I decided to go back to school. Glad you decided to come this year!!!
  3. R35P3CT

    What's your view look like today?

    started a new job working with flight sims this week.
  4. R35P3CT

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    Yeah, it kinda sucks they wont jet send it air freight over. I dk what that would cost though. Having to wait lets you spread your spending out a little more. I've spent so much over the last couple weeks. Are you still going with the ET 967?
  5. R35P3CT

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    Maybe ours will be on the same shipment. I was quoted for early September stateside arrival...
  6. R35P3CT

    Anyone looking for a double standup trailer?

    if only i was closer to you...
  7. R35P3CT

    Calling all Canadians

    where do i send my money?
  8. R35P3CT

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    My deadline is world finals(crosses fingers) and I ordered my 50 cal a couple weeks after you should have plenty of time to get your ski together.
  9. R35P3CT

    Freestyle Krash 50 Cal Footrocket Kit

    Im getting ready to order mine this week. I cant wait to see yours come together. Mine will probably have a little longer build time with some custom color options dont worry, soon you will be able to ride mine. ;D
  10. R35P3CT

    NO LONGER OFFERING Custom Stainless HIN tags

    Yay. I'll be needing one here in the near future.
  11. R35P3CT

    Lanyard enquiry...

    Yes it should. Yamaha lanyard will fit a tad tighter due to them being a hair smaller than the kawi key
  12. R35P3CT

    x-h2o koozies-poll-new design

    Bump. Its koozie season.
  13. R35P3CT

    How many SJ does Yamaha Make a Year?

    No one really knows.
  14. R35P3CT

    Trying to quantify the stand up jet ski industry size

    Tell me all your secrets.
  15. R35P3CT

    x-h2o koozies-poll-new design

    These all look dope! Can't wait to drink my beer with one
  16. R35P3CT

    New Billet RN Pole to SN Conversion Bracket "Hazard Bracket"

    keeping my fingers crossed for priority work in the machine shop!
  17. R35P3CT

    New Billet RN Pole to SN Conversion Bracket "Hazard Bracket"

    Can I put my name on the list for a bracket as well? Also willing to prepay... Thanks
  18. R35P3CT

    300/440/550 new to the scene, saying hey

    finally finished my stand and tore into the one ski that wouldnt turn over. there is some sand in the motor.....not sure if that is a regular occurance lol
  19. R35P3CT

    300/440/550 new to the scene, saying hey

    well got one of them running today. new gas and new battery. I was wondering tho, is there a way to run these in my driveway with water running through to keep the heat down. I dont plan on running them for a long time, just like maybe a minute. I just didnt know how good starting them dry...
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