Yeah, it kinda sucks they wont jet send it air freight over. I dk what that would cost though. Having to wait lets you spread your spending out a little more. I've spent so much over the last couple weeks.
Are you still going with the ET 967?
My deadline is world finals(crosses fingers) and I ordered my 50 cal a couple weeks after you should have plenty of time to get your ski together.
Im getting ready to order mine this week. I cant wait to see yours come together. Mine will probably have a little longer build time with some custom color options
dont worry, soon you will be able to ride mine. ;D
finally finished my stand and tore into the one ski that wouldnt turn over.
there is some sand in the motor.....not sure if that is a regular occurance lol
well got one of them running today. new gas and new battery. I was wondering tho, is there a way to run these in my driveway with water running through to keep the heat down. I dont plan on running them for a long time, just like maybe a minute. I just didnt know how good starting them dry...
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