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  1. 4

    Mid shaft alignment tool issue

    Thanks guys
  2. 4

    Mid shaft alignment tool issue

    Just my luck. :(
  3. 4

    Mid shaft alignment tool issue

    I ordered a cold fusion tool to align my new solas mag pump in my 1993 SN. Pretty disappointed the tool doesn't fit a SN. Nothing on the CF website says RN, just Yamaha style midshaft. Looks to be easily adaptable for both with different holes. What are you guys using for the squares?
  4. 4

    Tom21/#zero sponsons-for superjet

    I ended up ordering two 10oz cartridges.
  5. 4

    Tom21/#zero sponsons-for superjet

    My Tom21 bolt on sponsons came yesterday. For you guys that have installed them before, how many tubes of 5200 does it take? I would hate to run out but don't want to order too much that it will sit around and go bad, 5200 is not that cheap. Thanks
  6. 4

    2015 Super Jet

    Wow, time to file a small claims case and have them served. I would be beside myself if it were me.
  7. 4

    Nozzle bore

    Thanks guys. Anyone have his email so I can go direct since his inbox is full?
  8. 4

    Nozzle bore

    I have a 61x nozzle I want to get bored. Anyone have an email for #zero? Thanks
  9. 4

    2015 Super Jet

    I had the same thing happen to me with a KTM 65 I bought out of state. Shipping company took zero care with the bike that was in the factory box. Shipping company was slow to pay the claim so at the 4 week mark I wrote the letter. The day they received it my phone was ringing with them offering...
  10. 4

    2015 Super Jet

    I would be sick about this if it happened to me. By now I would send the dealer and the trucking company a certified letter demanding the claim be paid to include the time you took to get estimates. If they don't respond let them know you will be filing a small claims case in the letter. It will...
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