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  1. Carbon Jet

    2003 Yamaha Superjet Surf Ski

    2003 Yamaha Superjet Surf Ski KP Adjustable Pole Thrust OVP steering RRP riser bars Carter B rockered kit -4 in rear Carter B Tubbies Widened tray Glassed in front foothold Right foothold (Have left one, not installed) Jetmaniac/Blue 718 ADA girdled head 180/185 compression...
  2. Carbon Jet

    2014 Hurricane c2

    PM’ed with #, text me if still available
  3. Carbon Jet

    1993 Kawi 750SX with dual place trailer

    1993 750sx with nice double trailer and utility box. Runs great, compression is spot on, had it out a few weekends ago with its twin. Comes with a bunch of goodies, aftermarket steering, finger throttle, turf, UMI intake grate, jet dynamics ride plate, hot products intake, will come with a spare...
  4. Carbon Jet

    Used 2016 Rickter FR2 SOLD

    ok, that makes sense. mine is a 2013 and I am using couch mounts too, (The SJ mounts were way short) but mine DOES in fact have the adjustable bed plates.
  5. Carbon Jet

    (SOLD) Rickter FS2

    buck, did it have a front foothold?
  6. Carbon Jet

    (SOLD) Rickter FS2

    what year was this one?
  7. Carbon Jet

    Used 2016 Rickter FR2 SOLD

    question - how did you get to use the stock flame arrestors on that ski? did you have coupler spacers installed? I've got the FS2 and my hood wouldnt close. I had to go with the short stack hot products arrestors.
  8. Carbon Jet

    Project Boat Anchor, Superjet

    Mikidy, did you ever figure out the misfire?
  9. Carbon Jet

    Yamaha SuperJet 701 - Final Year Edition (finished)

    someone may point out you installed your tray turf "wrong" lol... Personally, i think if you like the way it looks, then its all good..but allegedly the turf doesnt "work" as well when the diamonds are facing that way...makes it slick.
  10. Carbon Jet

    Backie chan build

    so what exactly broke the case? did you just epoxy the broken case back together? are you not running o rings under that head? I saw a lot of what looks like threebond. looks like some moisture got in there for sure, the cyl walls looked rusted. did you ever fix the pump issue?
  11. Carbon Jet

    Superjet blowing out ADA o rings

    I personally use the new/replacement O-ring kit from ADA. I don't care how well people say the cut-to-length ones stay together with crazy glue. not worth the risk to me... especially if you ride in salt water. any potential to have water ingestion is just not worth my time and money over a...
  12. Carbon Jet

    My first AM build. Rickter XFR - Full Carbon

    Mike, out of curiosity, have you made contact with TC or Rickter directly to address these issues?....or at least see what they say so they can keep an eye on quality control at the factory in Thailand? (I know TC has nothing to do with the way the hull is laid up, but I'm sure he's in direct...
  13. Carbon Jet

    My first AM build. Rickter XFR - Full Carbon

    Hey man, I definitely don't think you're complaining one bit. I think you're taking it all in stride, better than most would. I cannot believe how poor the quality control is, especially when paying top dollar for a "best in the industry" custom hull. yea the 5200 works great, I use that for...
  14. Carbon Jet

    Backie chan build

    did you ever find out why the ski decided not to start back up at the end of your test ride?
  15. Carbon Jet

    My first AM build. Rickter XFR - Full Carbon

    any update on where the leak(s) came from?
  16. Carbon Jet

    RICKTER talk

    been looking, its on Rickters website..havent found anyone selling it yet though.
  17. Carbon Jet

    RICKTER talk

    curious, how does this install? glass in, bolt in?
  18. Carbon Jet

    Krash predator

    okay, so is this a RTR ski? or is a stage 1/stage 2 where you put your own guts into it? - if it is in fact a RTR ski, as Kahuna said....sad reoccurance.
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