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    Crankshaft issue

    True but buying used stuff can be scary if your not use to looking for certain things. Can have it rebuilt by crankworks. They are very good but it's a timely situation. Not slow but not as fast as just making a phone call. All depends on budget n how much your going to ride it I guess

    Crankshaft issue

    Just get a rebuild crank from Sbt, WSM or a new AM one from hot rods. Not to bad on price from Sbt. If the cylinders look ok just go with maybe a fresh hone and new pistons

    1.TEN Racing - direct injection Waveblaster

    I know your on fresh water but make sure to keep the cooling lines clear by flushing. Had a lot of DI's fail at my old shop bc of salt water and people wouldn't flush them. The water passages in the stator cover and computer get clogged easily because they are so small. Once they get overheated...

    Super Jet 91 SN Superjet Build

    You can find decent running vxr pros for cheap $500 range. Might pay $1000 and you probably would get a trailer out of it too. Then you have all 700 61x stuff, electronics, intake and exhaust.

    2008 Superjet "The Basketcase" Build

    Here's another pic of the engine. Coming along smoothly. Still taking a little longer than I thought . Hoping to get some more parts soon to start putting pieces together. Almost time to start on the hull.

    De-foam, tray rebuild, foot holds, new turf for new superjet

    Paint it white and get ipd graphics or exotic sign graphics

    Prowatercross tour AC, NJ July 23rd-24th

    Pro watercross tour in Atlantic City, NJ July 23rd n 24th. Event will be held beachfront at Resorts hotel n casino between the Landshark Bar and Grill and Steel Pier.

    Other Yamaha FX 140 hull transplant

    Just keep it simple. The 800's n 1200 PV were a breed of there own. Plenty of good hulls with bad motors out there for both style gp's. I had a customer ask me how to make his xl700 faster? Should I put a bigger engine in it? I said just buy a xl1200. There's plenty of them out there. Not worth...

    2008 Superjet "The Basketcase" Build

    Engine is starting to get some color. Still has to get a couple more coats. Then flip it and get the bottom. Hardware is going to be black, so it should pop out pretty good off the white.

    Budget 1200 Blaster Build

    Looks good. If you need the torque specs, just let me know. Like the stabilizer.

    Budget 1200 Blaster Build

    Make sure you wash your cylinders before assembly. I fill a bucket up with dish detergent n water and dunk the parts in n out a couple times. Then rinse with water. Dump bucket n redo process. I dunk n rinse at least 3x's. Then dry off with a towel n blow compressed air to complete the drying...

    2014 SJ

    Check out the kavinci poles from Chris with Krash. They are in the budget n they look great also.

    2008 Superjet "The Basketcase" Build

    So there's some more parts that were done today. Only thing left is the cases, cylinder, head n 2nd coat on intake manifold. Hopefully I can get started on that stuff tomorrow. That's the stock ride plate for now. Probably going to get an AM one in the near future. The Yamaha letters on the...

    2008 Superjet "The Basketcase" Build

    Got started yesterday on some painting. Finished them up today. Now I'll put them to the side and make room for the set to be painted.

    Budget 1200 Blaster Build

    Looks great. what types of paints did you use on out and inside.

    2008 Superjet "The Basketcase" Build

    Ok, at it again today. Got everything in the cabinet to glass bead. Everything came out great. Now I have to clean everything up with detergent n water. Also will have to chase the threads just in case there's any reminants left. After that, we are ready for paint then rebuild.

    Budget 1200 Blaster Build

    You will need to order a 3 cylinder primer assembly. It will have the plugs. Don't know if that air box will fit in the b1 hull. Might be able to bolt 3 singles on like the wr3's n early SJ's. You can find them used all day long. Make sure you pull everything apart on carbs. Fuel screws and all...

    Budget 1200 Blaster Build

    If you order a gasket kit, don't shy away from the WSM kits. The gaskets are same quality as Oem n there metal gaskets for Yamaha PV 800 & 1200 engines are identical. But I wouldn't use there carb kits. If you need the stock specs let me know. I have them. When I was a tech I was given these...

    Budget 1200 Blaster Build

    Probably from a lean carb. I think the fuel starts in front carb n works it way back. By the time it gets back to rear it's all leaned out. Only use the mikuni kits when rebuilding. They seal the best. One other thing to check for would be if the oil line was cracked and leaking. They get...
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