well I guess that's means you enjoyed the product. super excited to hear that customers are happy with their purchase and that it's making their jet ski life easier thank you for posting the pic
I do in private messages sometimes .. lol anyhow we are in full swing crankin out carriers ... even though steel prices have sharply risen ( do to tariffs and all that political mumbo jumbo crap) I HAVE NOT raised the price of the EZ-SKI carriers. I want to be able to provide an affordable...
Just wanted to share this pic with you guys .. i love it ! This is from a customer of mine who re-purposed an retired Ambulance as his tow rig and /RV he is still in works with it and will send some pics of launching his ski and his sea-doo spark on the trailer behind it . This is using our...
refund issued for what UPS is willing to refund. I am in the wrong business who wants to open a shipping company with me that has almost zero liability to its customers who already pay exorbitant fees . our slogan will be something along the lines of " we ship it .. but we do not guarantee it...
Almost forgot I also manufacture a 2.5" carrier (for the new heavy duty truck hitches, can be used without the silly adapter sleeve piece. also has a receiver built in the rear (2") . 275.00.. these are rated at 850lbs of tongue weight and will pull 6500lbs+
yeah it's pretty sad man you guys as customers pay the shipping to me and I turn around and pay it to UPS and then UPS basically does whatever they want lose packages damaged packages and then when it comes to the insurance claim portion of it they make it so incredibly hard to get any money...
Thank you all for the kind words !! this site and its members are amazing ... as for the LIC plate deal .. yes it makes no sense that the plate is blocked by a trailer and they have no issues with it ... i would rec. putting plate on back of carrier with simple zip ties if you are worried about...
Thank you Kaylee UPS is such a large company ... without going into too much detail they really do not care about individuals... just look up youtube stuff and there are tons of stuff showing their delivery guys literally throwing packages 15 ft out of the trucks and laughing about it !! it...
Sorry guys was out of town camping with the family ill answer all of these questions ..
Justin Patterson: Ive been having it out with UPS lately and they offered what they feel is a fair amount to refund you. I do not agree with it and I have had the UPS supervisor out to the shop and he has...
So the deal with aluminum is its cost , its time to weld etc. I really try to focus on making a quality built (extremely strong) unit for as low of a cost as I can while still making it worthwhile to produce. I have made two of them for family members out of stainless steel ... the material is...
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