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  1. JetManiac

    Black Friday week at JetManiac until Cyber Monday 2019

    Black Friday week starts today and continues until Cyber Monday at JetManiac We will be posting new super deals daily, and sometimes several times a day. Our annual BOGO sale starts on Wednesday. Black Friday Deal 1: Solas 9/15 Impeller Solas 9/15 Concord big hub Yami 144mm impeller...
  2. JetManiac

    ADA girdled head kits -New demo Silver, Used/new Blue

    ADA girdled head kit complete -reg. 385. -Sale 329. (includes Silver demo ADA girdled head shell, new girdle kit, 2 new 701/35cc, 760/38cc or other sized domes, orings, hardware) Optional add: JM SS allen bling head bolt kit (10 stainless allen bolts/washers) -Reg 25. Sale 15. ADA girdled...
  3. JetManiac

    Veteran's Day

    JetManiac salutes our Veterans. Thank you and much respect for your service!!! Like many holidays it is easy to forget/lose sight of the reason for the holiday. We have many veterans and active duty here on the X, maybe some can post here and we can thank you for your service...
  4. JetManiac

    SJ, B1 open intake grate, SJ motor mount, bow cover, trim lever, ODI lock rings, RAD reeds

    DG and TR Racing intake grates $45. Open intake grates for SJ 1990-2019 and B1 1993-1996 (yellow and red sold -purple available) SuperJet motor mount -Monkey grip $19. SuperJet bow cover -OEM new old stock NOS $45. Purple 1996-1997 SJ -GM6-62501-00-00 Discontinued and unavailable from...
  5. JetManiac

    Used Boyesen RAD reeds, XS trim lever, ODI rings (new)

    Black ODI rogue flange grip set with lock rings $15. -Sold -little use but clean XScream trim lever 19. PJS billet throttle lever 50. -Sold Boyesen RAD valve triple stage reeds for 1 cage $29. ODI lock ring sets -4 rings, bolts, end caps NEW -sale $10. Set
  6. JetManiac

    Used Wear ring for Yami 155 pump -new liner

    155mm SJ/B2 threaded wear ring with replaceable plastic liner - New 167. -This one 125. *Used but in like new condition with new liner
  7. JetManiac

    New ProX 81.5mm Yamaha piston kits

    New set of pistons that were purchased and then exchanged for a larger size. New condition, but packaging a bit worn from the return shipping and handling so we do not want to sell as normal new and return to our stock. Our loss is your gain. ProX 81.5mm Yamaha piston kits - 2x 129./ea...
  8. JetManiac

    SOLD ADA billet coupler set for Yamaha $55.

    ADA billet coupler set for Yamaha -clean, used $55. Fits Yamaha 650/701/760/1100 crank and midshaft couplers. Includes dampener, but recommend as backup and use a new one.
  9. JetManiac

    SOLD Wear ring for SuperJet or WaveBlaster 1 $98. Like new

    Wear ring with replaceable delrin plastic liner -New $164. This one $98. Yamaha SuperJet 1990-2019 or WaveBlaster 1 1993-1996 144mm pump size, Excellent used condition, SBT brand, liner as new.
  10. JetManiac

    2019 Sebastian Freeride -November 1-3, 2019

    Sebastian Freeride is next weekend November 1-3. It is held at Sebastian Inlet (Monster Hole) in Florida. Event Facebook page: This event is getting larger every year. .
  11. JetManiac

    61x cylinder

    Looking for a few clean 61x cylinders. 61x cylinder needing a bore and without pistons is ideal.
  12. JetManiac

    Motor mounts, Shims, Kenney Keepers, Mount Hardware

    Mount up freeriders! JetManiac offers you lots of choices for motor mounts. SuperJet motor mounts (fit all years 1990-2020 SuperJet and most aftermarket standup hulls) Yamaha OEM new SuperJet mounts $97.99/ea Sale 75.90/ea Rhaas new urethane billet SuperJet motor mounts $49.95/ea...
  13. JetManiac

    New Blowsion OVP universal billet steering system -demo price $214.

    Blowsion OVP universal billet steering system The all new Universal OVP "Over the Pivot" Sealed Bearing Steering System. This innovative one-piece steering system enables the rider to turn and control directly over the pivot point. Steering over the pivot vastly increases steering response, and...
  14. JetManiac

    Intake grate for Krash 50cal

    Best Worx intake for a 50 cal. 201 or will the 242 fit? Thanks, asking for a customer.
  15. JetManiac

    Daytona Freeride 2019

    Who is itching to ride? Who is loaded and ready to go? Who is still looking at a bare hull? Weather has been very warm here, hoping it stays the same until next week! Gas is super cheap, especially awesome for those with long drives. Prices have dropped since I took this pic, saw 1.94 last...
  16. JetManiac

    JetManiac 2019 Daytona Freeride info thread

    JetManiac returns again for our 12th year as an event sponsor for the Daytona Freeride. We are excited for another great freeride this year! 2019 Daytona Freeride The official event starts on Thursday January 17th through Sunday January 20th 2019. The special ride zone is located behind the...
  17. JetManiac

    Surfriding Hurricane Florence

    It looks like most of the East coast is getting some big surf this week! Hopefully the storm will turn to the North and no one will get slammed by it.
  18. JetManiac

    Best fit steering cable for FX1 with 144 pump

    Which is best fit steering cable for a FX1 with 144SJ pump swap and stock FX pole? FX1 cable with pump side extension Or 08-up SJ cable Or other
  19. JetManiac

    WDK rip/weapon hull -driveline help

    We are building a OEM based 155 pump and midshaft for a customer with a WDK 'weapon' hull and looking for some WDK hull knowledge. Weapon is supposed to be a rip hull with some changes? It is my understanding that these hulls are designed for a SJ driveshaft in the oem 155 length pump, but do...
  20. JetManiac

    Memorial Day

    JetManiac hopes everyone gets to ride this weekend and enjoy your time off, while also taking time to remember those whose died for us.
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