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  1. be_lain

    Super Jet Piston clearance

    @augustaf thanks, thats exactly what I was trying to figure out. I am using a digital caliper. I dont have access to a bore gauge unfortunately. But I have double triple checked the measurement so I am fairly confident in it. I also just read that there is a stamp on top of the old piston...
  2. be_lain

    Super Jet Piston clearance

    Just honed my 61x cylinder and bore is measuring 81.5mm at top of the cylinder. Am I good to run an 81.5mm piston kit? Or do I need more clearance? I’ve read that you need a clearance of 0.0045” or 0.115mm (bore minus piston dia). Previous pistons measured 81.38mm at base of the skirt...
  3. be_lain

    Worx 228 vs 201?

    Picked up a worx 228 grate for cheap. How does it’s performance compare to the worx 201? This is for an AM surf hull. Thoughts?
  4. be_lain

    New @Limitedslip7 A+ seller and welder

    I second this! Impeccable quality and communication
  5. be_lain

    Freestyle BATTERY

    I got a deka etx12 and it fits like a glove after you turf the battery tray
  6. be_lain

    Tips on installing pump shoe?

    Putting a worx aluminum pump shoe in my ski this weekend. It’s my first go at installing a pump shoe. Any tips or tricks? Advice is appreciated as always
  7. be_lain

    tiny screws

    I did just that. I think they were m4x125 but I could be wrong
  8. be_lain

    Super Jet Is it toast?

    Pulled apart a motor I got from a waveraider today. I knew the motor was done but dang... it was a bit more tore up than I anticipated. Check this pic of the lower case half. It’s pretty chewed. Is this still useable? I was planning on building a new motor over the next season with these...
  9. be_lain

    Forearm tendinitis

    Thanks everyone for the advice! I will definitely give those things a try.
  10. be_lain

    Forearm tendinitis

    I’ve been suffering from some tendinitis in my forearm which is affecting my ability to use the finger throttle. I think it stems from overuse on the computer and other daily tasks. My arm is constantly is discomfort when riding lately and I have trouble using the throttle for extended periods...
  11. be_lain

    SN build

    I have a sbn46 but stock bored intake. Just aftermarket reed petals is all. Also if you order your top end from jetmaniac just tell him what you’re running and he provides jets and baseline settings for your setup. They are pretty dead nuts, I haven’t had to deviate from his tuning suggestions.
  12. be_lain

    SN build

    Highly recommend the ported jetmaniac top end kit. Just built my 61x over winter and am super happy with it. Also did boyesen reeds and sbt crank. I think I was just over a grand with all that plus some other little things (gaskets, bendix, carb rebuild etc). Add in a head and you’ll be about...
  13. be_lain

    Tigercraft e box power cables

    I'd consult jetmaniac for cables if I was you. He does custom cables that are super sano with grommets and all.
  14. be_lain

    Tigercraft e box power cables

    They are a little long. I just finished my sv1 and put the ebox right next to the carb. Cable from ebox to starter was alright but the battery to ebox was way long by like 12”. I am going to switch to a raider battery cable (shorter) next time I pull my ebox apart.
  15. be_lain

    Running 100LL av gas?

    My brother works at a private airport. They have super strict fuel standards so they discard some of the fuel that might have some small particles or water in it. But we have a system of filtering it to screen it of anything.
  16. be_lain

    Running 100LL av gas?

    I have access to a bunch of free 100LL aviation fuel. Any concerns with running this in my ski (other than environmental concerns)? I have a JM ported 61x. Thoughts?
  17. be_lain

    SN Superjet Mods

    The Worx 201 intake grate is one of my favorite mods on my SN. I use the skat 8/16 prop in mine which is sweet in my opinion. Both of these along with d-cut ride plate, but that’s mainly beneficial in the surf. Also I run the blowsion steering system which I really like as well.
  18. be_lain

    Surfriding 61X Build

    All done!
  19. be_lain

    Bought a couch... What to strip?

    Picked up a waveraider with a 62t recently. I’m going to strip it for all that it’s worth. I am obviously keeping the motor and elecs and trim stuff, but what else is worth keeping? Anything else of significant resale value on this thing?
  20. be_lain

    Surfriding 61X Build

    Fair point. This stator actually gave me trouble in the surf before when it was in my SN. I wasn’t sure what it was at the time... but yes I got a tow rope package from JM so I will have that on me at all times
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