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  1. Lumberjack

    Super Jet SN build, Rocker, Chopped rear, this website made me do it!

    I wouldn't cut the pole until you rode it. start with the steering, that'll be 2 or 3". X metal adjustable would be awesome but I really love my standard RRP system. sooo smooth
  2. Lumberjack

    Beware the PayPal increases :O

    any sort of protection? I just paid for a used ride plate and pay pal nailed me an extra $10!
  3. Lumberjack

    Thinking of buying a new Superjet?

    glad you went with the new ski, last year i picked up an extremely low hour 100% stock 07 round nose and it was a great investment. It was the closest i could get to a new ski locally. Fuel/Oil only for the last 2 summers straight, no missed days, no tinkering. I dont even bring tools with me...
  4. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    new website didn't work for me today. Hopefully you guys get these sooner than later! I wonder how many were sold. Looking forward to the unboxing and initial reviews. Pretty sure a few are headed out my way to some dealer in Canada last i heard.
  5. Lumberjack

    Opinion on Jet Dynamics short length ride plate

    thanks the reply. I've heard negative and positive about them. apparently they are not stable at higher speeds? did you switch from stock?
  6. Lumberjack

    Opinion on Jet Dynamics short length ride plate

    pre 08 SJ, worx 201 intake is the only other handling modification. 175 pounds, flat water only, chase a few bouy's recreationally, slam some surf boat waves, chase a few boats. is the shorter length jet dynamics ride plate a good design for my riding. looks to be a good plate from what i can...
  7. Lumberjack

    Super Jet SN build, Rocker, Chopped rear, this website made me do it!

    whats your plan for hood breathers? lookin good
  8. Lumberjack

    B1 Impeller recommendations

    I cant say for sure but stock pr 08 is cast and 08+ is stainless and go for about $100
  9. Lumberjack

    B1 Impeller recommendations

    08+ stock SJ prop would be a cheap upgrade
  10. Lumberjack

    What is going on with this SN SJ Hood / Hatch

    the stock hood is notorious for letting alot of water pour into the engine bay especially if you have aftermarket flame arrestors. that new liner with the hoses makes the water dump into the bottom of your hull instead of directly onto your intakes. its much better than stock and will greatly...
  11. Lumberjack

    0% handle-bars...

    try them as is and if they feel to wide cut them down an inch every ride til you like them. its all personal preference
  12. Lumberjack

    Hooker 9/15 Slipping?

    MY 9/15 made a huge difference, check your wear rear tolerance with a feeler gauge
  13. Lumberjack

    What did I buy? What direction should i go?

    honestly it's going to be way cheaper just to buy a ready to ride ski then try to piece all that together Into something you're going to be trouble shooting for weeks. sell all that and buy complete. it's going to be cheaper and you'll thank me later.
  14. Lumberjack

    What did I buy? What direction should i go?

    For a first stand up i would of purchased a completely stock ski to get you out riding and enjoying yourself. If you've purchased a project that hasn't been on the water in a few years you might not be getting it back on the water as soon as you would like. If it wasn't stored properly it could...
  15. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    I thought the exact same thing when I went to their site. they're not making it very appealing to drop the cash. coming from a guy who is ready to buy
  16. Lumberjack is selling 997cc RTR Skis for $12,000.00

    yea I'm pretty surprised that they haven't been hyping it on Facebook/Instagram or publicly revealing everything on the forums to get everyone excited. kinda weird we've gotta hear it from other members. I figure they'd be posting lots of pictures, at least that's what id do to hype my products...
  17. Lumberjack

    Getting into stand ups and freeriding

    I still think the superjet is a good idea for your first season, you'll be wrenching less and riding more. plus go max out that super jet and find out if you REALLY want to take the next step into Jet ski's. It took me a few years until i felt like i was ready, most of these AM skis would still...
  18. Lumberjack

    Getting into stand ups and freeriding

    My first ski was a 750SX i rode for 2 summers, second ski was a lightly modified 07 SJ that ive been riding for 1 summer but its time to move on as I beleive the ski is limited my ability to progress. There's only soo much you can do on an SJ (especially since i live where there is no surf for...
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