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    Super Jet Any good shops for mods in Chicago area?

    Hi, I have a 08 Superjet, that I want to do some changes on - footholds is the biggest one, and few others. Don't feel comfortable doing it myself though. Are there any shops in Chicago area that do that kind of stuff? Not even sure what to search for on the internet :)
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    Super Jet Smallest trailer?

    So who makes it?
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    Super Jet Smallest trailer?

    I'll post a pic when I get home. From the look of it it should be able to be converted to 2 stand ups - I think it's big enough.
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    Super Jet Smallest trailer?

    Hi, I have a SuperJet, and the dealership sold me a huge ass trailer for it - it's obviously a trailer for the sit-down ski, with rails readjusted. What is the smallest towable trailer that works for Superjet?
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