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    Super Jet 2013 Superjet and Mods - Comment Welcome

    djraider, how can I get that schmity1 cable? and with just that will it turn faster or more I should say?
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    Super Jet quick steer mod with 08+ cable?

    how do I get a smitty1 set up?? I came off a sxi pro that I put a quick steer on and really liked it.. i have yet to ride this 10 superjet I bought so i king of want it set up like I had on the pro
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    Super Jet wet wolf pump cone

    Hey the guy who has those to pita's 550's one green and one red... I just picked up this 10 sj and very happy with the purchase so far!! Ill probably see you this summer when the camper opens!!
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    Super Jet wet wolf pump cone

    hey guys im new to h20 been on pwctoday for years.. i sold my sxi pro and bought a 10 superjet.. Im looking to do a few mods and one being the steering issues that these have.. also as the title said.. do those really work?
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